Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Field Notes- Tuesday, March 14th. Clouds, Wet Snow, 40 degrees. Snow melts as it hits the ground.

 This is how I feel most days. 

The wet snow is falling but melting on contact with the ground.   Birds are hanging out in the trees near the feeder. Ice in the birdbaths is partially melted.  So they are getting a drink but no one is taking a bath.

I need to turn on the lights.

The book I am reading is not really holding my attention.  It needed at least two more revisions. It's about two child tv stars all grown up and just admitting they like each other enough to perhaps kiss???  It was on the "new" shelf- Built to Last by Erin Hahn.  It would be a popular Hallmark Movie.  The plot lines would slot nicely with the commercial breaks.  There's been one guilty kiss.

Nora Goes off Script- or what ever it was called- was about a woman who wrote for the Hallmark Channel. She went thru the sequence of events that are the building blocks of a Hallmark movie. This book "Built to Last" has all of that...... A Hallmark Script is like one of those word puzzles where you fit words into the open spaces.  A job. A guy. A girl.  A problem.  An event.  A misunderstanding. etc etc.

News bulletin.  I stopped watching Hallmark after the Christmas Movies were finished. Yep. Cold Turkey.

Oddly enough, I don't miss it at all.  I also stopped watching the Sports Talk Shows.  They stopped being fun and they didn't do the Christmas Carols thing...which I loved.  So..I quit them. Next thing to let go of will be Law and Order.  Then what????  Well, I have Whole bunch of PBS mystery series stock piled in the TiVo Little Women and some others.  British stuff.  I should get one of the services that just do British series.  Watch them.  Or go back to Netflix.....they always had dark, non English speaking murders happening.  It's been awhile since I watched episode after episode after episode..............

Or I'll just read...I have SEVEN books on the pile..... and we'll be "at home" until the storm passes.

Husband has a fresh pot of Chicken Soup and four Chicken Parm Dinners.  Plenty of noodles. A new puzzle.  Let it Snow..........

1 comment:

  1. There are seven books in my stack too. March Madness is coming, there will be some good tv if you like college basketball.
