Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Field Notes- Tuesday, September 20th. Overcast and 67 degrees. Summer might be Ovah!!!

 I cleaned out the picture file yesterday.  I'll be taking my own for a bit and then...who knows what I might find...

The weather has changed overnight...well, over about a week's worth of nights.  There are abundant acorns on the lawn and the driveway.  We haven't had any for three? years.  And no Winter snow.  I am hoping the abundant acorns forecast a white Winter.  We need the ground water.

A new (to me) friend is going to collect and send me some purple fabric.  I'm very excited.  It was quite a surprise to notice that I have a few small scraps but no other purples in either of the fabric closets.  The Magic Attic Closet and the Less Magical Sewing Room Closet. So......it will be fun.

The Football last night (intermingled with Law and Order) was SURPRiSiNG.  At least I was surprised. One Team in each of the 8pm games playing very well and the other Team looking like they hadn't done their homework.  Tennessee was a surprise.  Inept.  I don't like to stay to see people getting injured.

I can't remember who was playing in the other game at the same time.  But it was terrible as well.  One sided.  Law and Order was also disappointing.  The Harmon woman is one of the lawyers.  I never really warmed up to her so....she always wants the death penalty.

It's 12:30 and I need to turn on lights.  It's very very dark in the house.  And I might need to put on socks.

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