Monday, September 19, 2022

Field Notes- September 19th. Overcast skies but no Rain. House lights are on.

 It's a Pancake Day.  King Arthur Buttermilk Mix Pancakes.  I have a package.

The grocery clerk doubted I could carry my groceries in one bag. I have become OLD overnight. What a shocking change in 24 hours (birthday and all). I had even put on a fresh, clean shirt......... Pink.  And the shirt looks like it might even have been ironed...... not by me.

Perhaps I have never worn it? I plan to take it off and put it back in the closet and wear one of the really old (30 years) K-mart work shirts.  All the washing removed the blue from the shirts. Still have the original buttons.

Anyway.  The Patriots won.  Which was hard to believe. The Steelers.....missing the Old Fat Pig???

Tom Brady threw the last pass of (his) yesterday's game from near one end zone to the other end zone and the guy catching it caught it without ever looking back.  He just put his hands out and the ball fell into them. And Mrs. Brady wants Tom to retire?  He'll give her up first. 

I am reading a lovely book.  The cleaning up, patching up, fixing up of a VERY old French hotel.  Nothing has ever been thrown away.  It's a book I will order and buy at the Book Store.  I like it very much.  A wonderful present from the Universe for my Birthday.

I found an astrology website:  People born on my birth date are highly intuitive, helpful, natural teachers.  We worry and have self doubt issues in our youth but we get better with age.  I am peace loving, hard working and appreciate the comforts of Home and Family (so true).  But I cling to my lifestyle and don't make changes easily (very true).  The overall feeling of stability is VITAL to me.

It also mentions that in the past year I have questioned my Life Path and feel like I have no anchor. I am confused about where I am heading.  As Readers of this can agree with that.....but also some of my greatest joy comes thru attachment to others....(all of you) and my ability to share myself with you.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated Birthday Joanne!! - so sorry I forgot to post! Have a blessed year! :-)
