Thursday, June 02, 2022

Daily Notes- Thursday, June 2nd. Very cloudy and some wet spots on the driveway.

 Just to the left of the front door.  Weeping Ornamental Cherry above and mixed Hosta under.  Wiegelia maybe, I think way in the back with white flowers. Not sure of the spelling and it didn't try and auto correct. Fencing in case deer come into the yard and decide to eat ALL the hosta in less than 5 minutes. Salad Bar.

We have NOT seen any deer this year or last.. Usually we would see them eating out of the bird feeders.  No deer poop.  And no acorns for them to eat for two years now.  Last summer the peaches had small bites from chipmunks but not the large bite marks of deer.  

I am reminded of the many shadowy deer standing in the mist at the ends of our street while Riley and I walked near midnight in the weeks before his death.  I wondered, at the time, if they were ghosts welcoming him to the other side.  We've never seen deer again.

Today there is some evidence (weather report) that it might rain today.  The driveway looks damp.  Damp is fine with me.  Transactional evidence of rain rather than actual falling from the sky rain.  

This picture at the top of the post was taken on a day the sun was shining- not today.

I have already washed, dried and applied ointment on my hands twice.  I am not sure what it is I touch but I can assure you- I am sensitive to it.  Red. Itchy. Hands. Fingers.  If I take Benadryl- I will be sleepy. 

I have a fresh shirt on.  Work shirt from the old old Kmart days.  I bought a half dozen of them. Perhaps more than that.  Gosh that was OVER 30 years ago.  Washed and worn all those years and hardly show any wear.  They even have all their buttons.  Softer.  That is the only change.  And faded.  Like me.

"Find a purpose in your Life  and live it--But sometimes, it is only after you have lived that you recognize your Life had purpose and likely one you never had in mind".  Hosseini.


  1. You have a beautiful yard and beds! Love those hostas.

  2. 1. I am glad to hear people have had clothes in their closets for as long as I have. Sometimes I feel strange having shirts and paint-T-shirts as old as my son.

    2. You have a ZOO over there and it sounds very interesting!

    3. Your gardens look amazing

  3. I have followed your blog for years and enjoyed it anonymously. Had to respond to the Kmart shirt story because I have the same experience with my beloved 30 year old Kmart shirts that I protect carefully now that Kmart no longer exists. Great quality for such a reasonable price and I still miss that store and worry that my shirts will not outlive me! Your blog is wonderful and I hope you can forgive me for "lurking" all these years without engaging properly and gratefully.
