Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Daily Notes- Sunshine- never rained yesterday.

 The sidewalk from the front porch steps to the driveway.  The porch is to the right.  The tree that has grown tall and arches over the walk- was grown from two stems of a black pussy willow in a discarded Easter floral arrangement (when I worked at the greenhouse).  You really should NOT plant a willow close to the house foundation and the water pipes (I had intended to move it once it rooted).  This sidewalk was original to the house and was the only sidewalk.  Not welcoming to visiting guests unless they parked their cars at the end of the walk..

Dentist X-rayed husband and a tooth fragment is heading for his nasal cavity.  Never-ending saga of weird stuff happening to this man.  He has prescription meds which might (if we are very lucky) dissolve the fragment before it causes an infection.  A Sinus Infection.

His smashed Urgent Care Finger injury healed and there is zero evidence left. He even has his fingerprint.

Anyway.........I have a load of work clothing to wash today.  Husband has a ladder on the back deck and is working on electricity.  So........electrocution is a possibility...... or he could step off the ladder and fall and break his neck or back....

Two Readers of this blog have mentioned sending me something in the mail.  I have gotten no mail other than household bills and invitations to send money to political venues for weeks..  One was a Fat Envelope which I was pretty darned excited about getting......  Maybe today????  I say that EVERY DAY.

I have two books to pick up at the library.  Three to return.

In the something that might be of a bit of interest:  I stopped using my Advair inhaler twice a day.  I now use it only once in the morning and most of the symptoms I was having- being tired and dizzy and needing to rest etc. have gone away.  And my breathing has improved.  My nurse friend has believed for a long time that I don't have asthma.  Symptoms were not the right ones.  I call the Pulmonary office but so one has read the results of my heart

Everyone settle down.......Doctors are in short supply here in Maine and patients are in overabundance. And old. And very sick.  So.....a reasonably non emergency type patient isn't upper most in the line up..  But a tooth fragment heading for the nasal passages is very urgent.  My husband won that lottery prize.


  1. electrical??? Ladder? does he have a death wish, or just unrealistic about what horrible thing could lie ahead?
    Obviously, he is not a pessimist like I am LOL. David says I see nothing but gloom and doom

  2. I remind both of us that Monday was a federal holiday which always constipates the PO best efforts by two or three days.
