Sunday, May 08, 2022

Daily Notes- Sunday May 8th. Happy Mother's Day.....Sunshine here in Maine.

 Image of an old Beehive (Birdhouse).  The Bees here in Maine are busy.  Rhododendron are in massive bloom. The magenta one out in the front is alive with bees.  And then they tumble off the plant to rest  in the grass after overfilling themselves with nectar.  I wondered (to husband) if someone in the next neighborhood had hive.

I had considered having one- but actually- I'm not a fan of Honey.

I had some dreaming thoughts for the Herb Beds out back- now that they are cleaned up- ready for planting.  One will have Blue Pansies.  One will have the French lavender- which has stayed alive on the back indoor porch all Winter and is starting to flower.  It's looking rangy and wild and unhappy in it's clay pot.  I will be buying more herbs.  And some additional flowering things.

Today is Mother's Day.  It's a Day when I wish I had had more than two children.  Like a house full of them.  The odds that I could have become a GrandMother would have been more in my favor.  I didn't even get to be a Mother in Law.  Maybe Next Life if there is such a thing.

Daughter snagged a new (old, used) frying pan at the Dump.  Cleaned up it looks pretty decent and she says it's very heavy.  That is ALWAYS a good thing with a frying pan.  I could have given her one of mine but- she likes finding her own stuff.

I bought myself some Brown Rice Vegetable Sushi for dinner and for dessert a Tiramisu Square.  I also bought sliced bread in case I want TOAST.  My Breakfast Oatmeal was perfect.  I might have a second cup of coffee. 

Happy Day to all who have done the hard work of taking care of, loving, and raising a child.  Or a grandchild.  Or an orphan.  Or a kid at work who needed you.  Or an adult who needed a mother or a brother or sister......

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mother's Day Joanne! The daughter & son you mention in your posts sound like well-adjusted & good humans. You had a big part in that and I hope you give yourself extra credit today. I am (thankfully for me) childless, as far as humans kids. I am amazed that women make it through not only the birthing part, but raising those little people (often without a man helping) and not go crazy!

    I unexpectedly lost one of my canine kids Friday morning, and need to work my grief out by feeling the earth's heartbeat. My remaining dog & cat can feel the loss too.

    Hugs from Indy, where I am planting moon flower and sunflower seeds for a Yin/Yang balance.

