Monday, May 09, 2022

Daily Notes- Monday May 9th. Sunshine.

 My favorite Annuals.

Up earlier than husband and hoped to get to Grocery and Library very quickly on my own.  My car battery is dead again.  I hardly ever drive the car as I try and have husband drive me to and from my appointments (so he gets the Need To Drive out of his system).  I have to set up a reminder to back the car out and let it run on the driveway until the battery is charged fully AFTER we get it started.

I managed to get 5 Chicken Parm Meals.  He had two in the fridge.  All is Right With The World--for the next 7 days.  I also bought him bottles of lemonade.

I have an idea for cloth.  Trying to transition to Spring Work Outdoors and then remain inside the house during Air Conditioner Months and NOT read a Book A Day.  When I can't breathe outdoors. Which is ALL of Summer.  I looked for something I might want to add to the landscaping at the Grocery Outdoor Plant risers.  Everything was Pink and White.  As you can see I like Magenta Pink and Golden Orange.

I cannot remember the name of this Plant.

I don't have the Grass Growing Project this year.  That took up a lot of SPACE in each Day.. and after- I had to REST for a few hours and just stare calmly at the living room ceiling until I could breathe easily. Which is why I started watching the Boston Sports Talk Show.

I have to do a Load of Laundry today.  Daughter dropped off two pair of work pants needing repairs. I will use the NEW VERY MIGHTY needles Connie sent me.  The Pants are Heavy Duty.  Daughter also carried her over wintered plants down from the upstairs bathroom and took them home to her house.

Tomorrow Morning we drive to the Big Hospital west of us and I get My Lungs Checked.  It's a long drive.  And I think I will be given the Breathing Stress Test.  I'm not sure I will get to see the doctor.  I rarely do. But if I fail......I probably will...I hope there is medicine to help.    Fingers Crossed.