Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Daily Notes- Wednesday, February 23. Rained last night. Side yard ponds (ditches) are FULL

 Patchwork Pony.  Five Large Birds and Five Small Birds. Five Trees.  Blue Dotted Sky.  

Power flicker and then went out.  After midnight.  I was reading.  Then I was doing remedial work on the computer getting it going again.  I remembered how.....which still amazes me. Regenerated Brain Cells.

Reading a book titled Love At First.  Kate Clayborn. She also wrote Love Lettering.  Both books are favorites.  This time...the words Love at First. I seem to have forgotten that point.  

You learn to who you love at first. Or who loves you at first.  Family.  Friends etc.  And that is how you see yourself loved.  Or not loved.  A heartbreaking concept.  I'll let you move around in your own circumstances and figure it out.  

In mine, I hardly felt any love.  And once we moved away from my grandparents.  None at all. So how does one learn to love with little or no love at first?

This post will be short.  I've cried enough already this morning to last a few months.  I'm not sad. I'm not depressed.  I guess I just have a backlog of tears to get rid off.  And my nose is running--- got to find a tissue.  Wow...late start to the day and husband has already gone to the couch for a long nap. I offered to do the washing of the breakfast dishes.  Which I will do now.  Have a good day- tell someone you love them.


  1. Gentle Hugs from cold, snowy or rainy Indiana, depending on the day. Hope tomorrow brings some sun your way. We been hearing-seeing Sandhill Cranes overhead the last few
    days heading back to Southern IN., so I know Spring is close.

  2. Turn Left At the Cornfield. Sandhill. Cranes. There is a story here in Maine about that.
    How my street got it's name.

  3. I'd love to hear the story sometime!
    Reading Aldo Leopold's Sand County Almanac when I was young made me fall in love.
    They are so elegant! I would choose to be a bird if I had one wish.
    The ability to fly so high and get such a spectacular view of the earth...

