Thursday, February 24, 2022

Daily Notes Number 3790. Sunshine. Was 60 yesterday. Is 20 degrees today.

 Wild buttons.  Nothing like these in my Old Grandmother Button Tin.   Small sized ones like those big red ones.  Would look super cute on the red sweater I am wearing.  I can dream. And I would need six really small ones.

Daughter called from Goodwill. I am getting a new pair of corduroy pants.  Navy. I don't have navy in my collection of Goodwill Pants. LLBean with that fantastic invention- the sliding elastic waistband. Can't wait.  Daughter thinks someone died...or moved to assisted ABUNDANCE of LLBean clothing at Goodwill.  The "good stuff" as daughter described it.  She found gardening pants. Very happy.

I had my mixed chopped vegetable salad yesterday for supper.  I bought two- one serving tubs on Tuesday.  Chopped carrot, broccoli and other vegetables-in a coleslaw type dressing.  Has seeds in it as well. And raisins.  Other than the dressing- quite healthy.  I ate it while listening to the afternoon Sports Show regale us with the 2 week "treatment"  Quarterback Rodgers endured this month.  Look it up.  I am not writing about it here.

Sports was not interesting.  They talked baseball.  I loved baseball as a child and even into my teens. Current watching paint dry.  So so boring. So boring. As the guy on the show said- well, he screamed--just throw the damn ball!!!!!!! Get the game moving.

My book yesterday was First Love, Take Two by Sajni Patel.  I had also read her first book Trouble with Hating You.  I already know who is the lead in book three.  Making a guess- will see in a year or two if I am correct.  These books aren't all fluff and romance.  They deal with serious hurtful issues. But the romance is great.  Oh, to have waited around for a man who would cook for Life.

Book today is 99 Percent Mine for the second or third or tenth time- I've lost count..  Sally Thorne. Once more before I have to take it back.  February Romance Book Month is coming to an end.  Sigh.  Book begins with the guy being only one percent hers. Each time I read a book- it's different.  I'm different. Does that happen to any of you???

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