Saturday, January 01, 2022

Daily Notes- January First, 2022- Twenty Twenty Two. Wow.

 I used to have Apps on my desktop.  I no longer have a desktop page.  It went away.  Retired itself.

I miss the little Weather box.  I miss the phases of the Moon Box.  I miss the Horoscope Box. I think there might have been a News Headlines box- I don't miss that.  That's four- I can't recall the remaining two boxes.  

I never make Resolutions.  I just try...everyday.... to do a good job. Get one or two things done.  Not all the things that need being done. Just one or two of them. The vacuum hose has been on the living room floor for weeks.  You just plug it into one of the hose outlets in the walls and vacuum. Easy. Central Vac. But dragging the hose (which kinks) around makes me swear like a sailor.  I am attempting to keep all the wood floors dust free with my Swiffer.  That's a Resolution of sorts.  And our eyesight isn't as great as it used to be.  And dust is hard to see. Yep.

We had slices of the "loaded" Tiramisu Cake last night.  Someone went a bit heavy on wetting the cake slices (at the grocery store bakery) with liquor. Whoa. I can still taste it this morning.

Today is Saturday and I woke up expecting it to be Sunday.  It's been a really LONG WEEK.

Husband took down the old calendar we write things on- and hung up the new one.  For some reason January has pink geraniums.  I found the calendar (for sale) one day at the grocery store.  The colors seemed Happy. It was the same size as the past three years of calendar.  Good sized blank squares to fill with doctor's appointments, haircuts, the few birthdays we have in the family, and I guess that's it..... oh and car appointments for service etc.  Dentist.  Wild and Crazy times.

I have my new desktop calendar install here on the desk under the computer.  The computer weighs a ton and a half.  The first whole week is blank boxes except for tomorrow.  Which means down at the bottom two days are doubled up.  Already 2022 is causing problems.

1 comment:

  1. because we have been stuck inside due to snow all week. The snow has not melted, just as cold and frozen as last week. My son did not have to work, no one worked. We stayed inside and did NOTHING. It was lovely, just having the kids play in the snow, the dog running in the snow, but the week seemed like a month!
