Sunday, January 02, 2022

Daily Notes- January 2nd. Dark, Wet, Chilly outside. Global Warming Alive in Maine..

 Books.  January is the month for Books.  Fiction of course.....but also gardening, cooking and sewing. I have to expand my horizons.  I started "mending" last year around this time.  The Time of the  Siege of the Capital and Democracy & Intelligence..  Mending.  It seemed appropriate. But it hasn't helped......

I was tempted by Sourdough last year.  The creating and tending of a sourdough starter.  Still not sure I am that interested.  The Starter is like having a hungry baby in the fridge.  And we two, do not eat all that much (Breakfast and Supper). So daily loaves...not the best idea.  And husband likes store bought bread best of all.  Not homemade. Nothing really homemade is appreciated. He was raised on TV Dinners.

I am vaguely tempted by Crock Pot.  

I do have a Goodwill Crockpot ($4) out in the garage filled with black walnuts and pieces of rusted iron.  All I need to get it going is to plug it in.  Add water (perhaps melted snow which might have minerals etc. as I do not have a Pond anymore)  Then strain the contents and add cloth and heat.. and wait........

I might, first of all, cover the kitchen island and paint cloth.  I need a really great pink.  And a super blue. I want to paint something that looks like it was made in the dye pot. A good red would be pretty darn great. And a green- with acid or black understory.  The color samples in the book I got for Christmas have me wanting different, new to me colors. Madder. Indigo.

But today- it's Football and Pizza.  Got to see if the "sad and depressed" Patriots are interested in winning today.  They all seem to have lost energy and interest in the past few weeks.  I can identify with that.

I am reading (re-reading) the Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman.  Her middle book Ordinary People is not very good and book four was okay but dragged a bit too much.  Characters from three of the books mingle a bit in this book.  Especially at the wedding with the camel.  The Garden of Small Beginnings is first.  I got a copy as a gift.

But...Pizza today and Football.  No time for reading.  Husband continues to work on the jigsaw puzzle. I go over there and find a piece or two and then start sorting.  Last evening we discovered we had put the edges together incorrectly and now- except for one piece- it might be correct.  I even got the ruler and measured it.  That's when we realized we had a few extra edge pieces in ALL the wrong places.

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