Thursday, March 25, 2021

Daily Notes- Two Loads of Washing

 Maiwa sent this images of handmade stamps.  From India.  I have a tub filled with large stamps just like these. But I have not used them.  I think I need a padded surface on the bottom and ink or liquid dye to dip the stamp into then press down on the fabric.  I am not sure if any of my stamps go with any of the others.  The stamps were a gift from husband's brother...for me.  The Maiwa site has many stamps for sale.  They even have images of the stamps being made.  I am reminded of DebL sending me a video of cloth being printed with stamps like these. So I could see how it might happen.

Another packed box in the Magic Attic.

Today we have no Sun and a bit of a damp chill to the air.  And rain in the forecast. DARK.

A second cup of coffee.  Two loads of washing machine pages.  Two.  It went well- should I buy a lottery ticket?  No. I think two loads and no accidents is good enough for my LUCK today.  I also have 8 books waiting for me to pickup curbside at the Library.  Eight contemporary relationship books. I don't think they qualify as romances.  But there might be some. Romance.

We got the wrong newspaper this morning.  I wrote an email.  We got credit on our account.  And our carrier is supposed to bring today's paper and tomorrow's- tomorrow.  Sigh.  I mentioned the 30 previous years of excellent daily service.  Rain, snow, sleet Ice.  Always a morning paper.  The reply- read the paper on line. Well, okay.

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