Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Daily Notes- Seeing Clearly Now

 Desktop Calendar so far.  You can see that the last date filled is yesterday's eye appointment. Today is still a mystery.  I have few additional magazines to look thru for clippings.  And it's a day when I should be making a few requests for library books.  And I might just spell out bills again as I have a stack of them to write checks for today.  

And I have a wash basket filled with sheets to be washed.

The Sun is shining.  The Num-nut Robo calls are rolling in.  You are never lonely with a landline.

My eyes have returned to normal.  I can actually read today if that is what I choose to do.  Or I can do something else.  Even vacuum the floors.  Things are dusty.  With the Sun shining- hard to ignore. I had a momentary brain fart- I actually was thinking of going to Walmart. For unscented fabric spray. Febreeze. That can wait.  Really.  That can wait.

The pile of eco colored fabrics here on the chair behind me- is actually getting sort of noisy.  Wants to be noticed. Wants me to do something- anything..with it.  Sew one to another.  Something. I just might. The already sewn things pinned to the wall across from where I eat breakfast....very quiet.  Nothing much happening. They all seem to be happy with how they are.  I moved a few just to see how they looked next to each other.  Not much going on.  No cloth conversations.  Or arguments.  I sort of like when cloth is arguing. I'm not all that invested in matchy matchy- happy-happy.

Something weird just happened with the screen.  It slide sideways and another exact same page showed up.  Very strange.  So...not much to say here.  One of the local Dairy Queen's has opened.  Daughter's male co-worker stopped to get a strawberry shake- extra thick.  I did not know that was an option- extra thick.  I do know that ours will be open by Easter.  It's tradition to pile over to the  DQ on Easter.

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