Monday, February 22, 2021

Daily Notes- February 22nd

 Just back from the grocery store.  These items needed to be purchased for husband's evening "dessert" plate.  How the man can ingest so much sugar, fat and carbs and remain the same weight with great blood work??????  Obviously my genetic makeup is only good for hair, skin and fat retention. And very dense bones. At my age- this seems incredible to all medical staff members. Oh, and lovely handwriting.

In answer to the very helpful comment yesterday (no email so I must answer here).  As much as I may want to eat tofu-  foods with SOY are not good for me/ I have to read all packages before buying. I try to only eat food with less than five ingredients on the label- other than the vegetable salad from deli which has so many more.

I have no problem with regular dairy milk.  My brother was allergic to it.  And I have no problem eating eggs (if someone else cooks them)--but did buy six today.  Brother was also allergic to eggs (and wheat). I do like eggs on toast.  We'll see.  I'll make it a project with goals.  I bought a nice prepared mixed vegetable salad (with seeds) and more yogurt. And some broccoli and apples to make a Spoon Salad with celery and seeds and stuff.  I also can mix up tuna salad.  I can make the effort to eat the tuna and the eggs. This week.  I am okay with that. It's like taking medicine.

The grocery store was okay today.  Long check out lines but not crowded (one line breaks off into three- self checkout/lottery tickets/regular checkout- like getting on the freeway.). Everyone had on a mask. Not everyone follows the arrows on the floor in the aisles. And we wait if someone ahead is studying the choices in the aisle.  Excellent Grocery Manners.  The checkout roller thing gets wiped with disinfectant. 

It's all very nice.  And I feel very safe.  

It's the only building I go into. (unless I go to the doctor with husband).  Oh-- I do go into a building to get my hair cut every 6 weeks.  So. that statement of only building is false.

I'm not sure I will change my patterns even after I get the vaccine.  Even with the vaccine I could carry the virus and give it to others. life hasn't changed that much other than those few weeks of actually going inside the library-- which was SO GREAT.  I can live with this.  I have the Magic Attic.

1 comment:

  1. WOW, someone else with a soy allergy. I have had two anaphylactic reactions with soy. One horrible one was with soy wax melting for a surface design class. Hives when ingested. I read every single label. Almost all mayonnaise is made with soy oil as it is the cheapest oil. Take care I enjoy your notes. Joan
