Sunday, February 21, 2021

Daily Notes- February 21st

Sink.  After I scraped most of the burnt black from my toast.   Today is going slow but when I check the clock- it's fast.  I am sleepy, even at almost 2 pm.  The Sun is hurting my eyes.

I just checked and...yes, I had forgotten to make a drawing for Saturday on the desktop calendar. I usually do that before or after posting the Daily Notes.  You would assume- with nothing to do...I would remember the same task of making a drawing.  But....yesterday I rushed off to make Underwear Index Cards.  I don't actually need underwear. I'm fine. I counted and checked for elasticity. I'm good. Husband is not.  Elastic issues.

I am constantly smelling bleach.  Is that a medical warning sign????

I now have three more Inspector Gamache books.  I will order the next three tomorrow.  Yesterday I read a book I was not at all sure I wanted to read... The Overdue Life of Amy Tyler by Kelly Harms. Occasionally I sift thru the new releases on AmazonBooks.  Not to buy.  Just to look.  This book looked interesting- Books. Romance. ....Years before, the woman- a librarian with two small children- has her husband call from the airport to say- "I'm not coming back"  and he doesn't. No divorce. No child support. No contact.  So. Now the kids are older and husband wants to come visit. It was not what I expected but I do have abandonment issues so I read the book.  I actually liked reading the book.  If you have liked what I like- give it a read. I have to remember to order her two previous books to try in the months ahead.

My daughter's potted plants in the Magic Attic bathtub have sprouted green leaves.  One pot did not. I went up to water them today.  The Euphorbia in the vestibule was leaning hard to the right (where the Sun was shining) so I moved things and now the whole container is in the Sun.  This Euphorbia is a zone warmer than Maine.  So...would die if over wintered in the ground (like the bathtub plants).  So, it stays in the cold vestibule and sets flowers.  Once the chance of frost is past- I set it outside.  But last Winter- it had already bloomed by the time it got warm enough to go outdoors. Very pretty. There are many tiny seedlings all around the edges of the container.  Babies.  Daughter lives inside the "city" limits where it is warmer.  We might try a few babies in her beds.  Husband is going to do her weeding this year.  Should be interesting.  Things will need to be well marked.

I usually have signs- No! in the garden beds around my house.

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