Sunday, October 04, 2020

Daily Notes- October 4th- 27 new COVID cases reported since yesterday

My wardrobe selection this morning after my shower.  Long pants, no socks.  I nixed the thermal tee also but might be second guessing in an hour or two. It felt "too heavy".  Re-thinking socks. I have already added my shawl.  51 outside.  Which here in Maine- means inside as well.

In important news- I had a low grade fever yesterday- 98.6  and I felt tired.  So I took two Tylenol ate some (a lot) candy, had a cup of sugary tea and sort of watched/napped thru an evening of TiVo tv.  By bedtime, I was fine. Reading was too strenuous.  The temp was a surprise.  Not in a good way.

Today- I will be peeling and slicing the October Surprise Peaches from my gardening buddy and mixing up cobbler stuff and baking.  I will also look and see if there are any last chance cherry tomatoes out on the box plants.  If yes, I will roast them and eat with leftover stir fry Chinese take out green beans and some freshly steamed Thai rice. A nice cozy supper.  G has hot and sour soup- fried rice leftovers. I ate all the fortune cookies.

The Sunday paper had info that I could order Tennessee ribs and pulled pork by mail.  Already cooked and ready to heat and serve.  I am really about 99% ready to just do that. Serves 6 so "leftovers"  You can also send people Lobster Roll kits.  I live in Maine and haven't had a Lobster Roll in like 2 years.  And I LOVE them.  What is wrong with me?

I have about (I hope) only two loads of laundry to wash today.  That takes up some of the afternoon. We won't have football as Cam Newton has tested positive for COVID and our Sunday game has been postponed until mid week while we try and slap together a "quarterback". Laughing but it's very sad.

Well, that's about it.  I have a second cup of coffee here and a few emails to answer.  I already have the house lamps on.  It's a dark and dreary Sunday.  And not even 1pm........


  1. I share your concern about a low-grade fever ... hopefully nothing more than your body successfully fighting off a run-of-the-mill invader

    and "I ate all the fortune cookies" ... seriously, you always find a way to make me smile

  2. Use that low grade fever as excuse enough to take care of yourself by ordering those ribs and barbecue
