Saturday, October 03, 2020

Daily Notes- October 3rd- 37 new COVID cases in Maine

Asters.  From my daughter's front yard garden.  About 4.5 feet tall plants.  And as wide.  Not only a landscape worker but a real gardener.  I think I would like a plant like this in the fenced garden.

No tree cutting today.  No men.  They lifted and carried the heavy tree trunk segments up the hill and over the lawn and threw them into the truck.  Over and over again.  The word from the boss man must have been- no debris over the weekend.  I went out to see how heavy the segments were.  Couldn't even roll one if my life depended on it.  Dead weight.  And lift it to settle on my shoulder??? Ha!!

It's cold in the house today.  I might need a sweater.  Some socks.  And definitely need to turn on the house lights.  Dark in here.

The news yesterday wasn't actually surprising.  His luck ran out.  I don't care.  About his health or well being.  And, he doesn't care about me or mine.

I sorted the pile of cloth by my side of the table and found the paper pattern for Muffy's new pants.  I might work on sewing the pants today.  Use my Birthday Elastic for the waistband.  I've neglected Muffy and her little tabletop LifeStyle.  One of the things daughter was looking for in the Attic was the rest of the white wicker doll furniture.  More chairs and a little table. But she didn't find them. I have also left the little cigar box bed project unfinished.  It sits next to the toaster.  Waiting.  I did find four large wooden balls for the bed feet.  That was the extent of the forward movement on that project.

I have been watching Law and Order and while watching I have been using my colored pencils to color pictures in that big coloring book.  I am not really happy with any of the results.  I am thinking- if I color more pages- of NOT doing the dark colors until the very end.  They are the parts that seem WRONG. I have two reading books started but have not wanted to read.  I am tired of reading.  But more likely- the two books don't hold my interest.  I am finding- as it gets chilly here in Maine- that I am very very motivated to look for things to snack on.  Not a meal.  A handful of crackers.  Some cheese. A big spoon of peanut butter. That sort of thing. Not all together- but over a period of an hour or two. And several cups of coffee. Decaf.  The getting up to find a snack keeps me busy.

Husband has been on a "cleaning up" binge.  The Magic Attic is a total disaster- husband moved "a few things" to get at a table he wanted and dumped my things (which were on and under the table) in tilting piles all over the floor.  When daughter and I were up there- was hard to find space to set our feet.  As it is- I am more than likely going to have a serous trip and fall accident up there.  So...I have promised not to go up there. No Magic for the foreseeable Future. It's not safe. Husband. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for saying what I have been feeling ... "I don't care"

    and I think back to the jacket worn by the feckless Melania ... karma

    the asters ... such deep rich color ... like cochineal ... and the incredible doings of arborists ...these are things I can lean into
