Friday, September 27, 2019

Daily Notes- September 27

Returning Home From The Walk.  Looks sort of Beatrix Potter.

The trees around the house are so tall.  Way up above the house.  Which is why I can never see the horizon.  The Moon.  I am surrounded by tall trees.  This little section with the garden-- 32 trees were knocked down for that.  Grace is emitting one long eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Grace I don't know how many went down for the house to be built.  But that was years before me.

Yes, a tractor and one man from the organic grocery/pet store came and just pushed them down-they had few if any deep roots. Then he dragged the trees into the woods with the tractor.  And we made a garden over several years.  Piling up organic matter and covering it with a tarp-- to cook.   That soil is now in the raised beds. Under it all the same lifeless yellow brown acidic sand. No organic matter.

I have walked three days now.  It's getting easier.  My hip is loosening up.

I have just now finished the last few pages of another weird book, The Psychology Of Time Travel by Kate Mascarenhas.  The story and the characters go forward and back in Time.  It takes some patience to keep going but I'm glad I did.  The book was published in New York but is very British.

G has done something to the computer and I don't even know if what I am writing will "go" anywhere.  Riley had a bad evening yesterday and is not his charming self right now either.  The constant panting and pacing and slamming the door (only to want it opened immediately) is making me want to thrown stuff in the car and drive away and not come back.  

I think I will just put on my apron and make grape jelly and then clean the kitchen.  My fear of becoming an alcoholic keeps me from having a very large gin and tonic.  Perhaps---when the jelly is in the canner kettle.  A small one.


  1. "A small one. " yup, I'll join you!
    ... to our health! -ml
    (something to help me ubgrit my teeth)

  2. Thank you for sharing the picture. I'm enjoying imagining you in your space.
