Thursday, September 26, 2019

Daily Notes- September 26th

I have a large ottoman next to the chair where I watching  Law and Order with Riley, sew and read.  A small sewing box with thread, needles, pins and my tiny stork scissors.  There was also a small pile of random pieces of cloth.  The class I am taking with Jude Hill suggested we make a collection of "components".  The two in the middle of the row to the far left is where I started.

I work on them when the Law and Order is not interesting.

I made the grapes we picked into juice last night.  I'm not feeling like making jelly today. Once I get going it goes pretty nice so--we'll see.

The walk today was nice- fewer bugs-- and I found three nice leaves to work on.  I want to attempt to paint the leaves.  Just practice so really no stress.  Just paint, water and paper.  Learning by making mistakes.

The News Programs got lots to talk about today.  It's like Nixon but so much worse. My Banker called minutes ago and wanted permission to move my IRA into safer investments.  Because things look like they will NOT be.....Stable.  Or Safe.  It's .......well,  like the tipping point, I guess.

Well, on that note-- I am going to watch Law and Order and Trust in ..........something.

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