Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Father's Day

Goodwill today and I seem to have purchased cloth meant for a pink quilt, one dollar each. Connie, I see another baby girl quilt coming your way.  And white cotton- I had meant to measure it to see how many yards I got.  Looks like a generous four yards for three dollars.

I saw a really simple "modern" quilt on instagram yesterday and I am thinking I will get a few other pinks from the Attic and make a modern quilt with the new purchases and Attic stuff.  Love the two sizes of multi colored dots.  Maybe I'll use only dots.  All the colors.  Something interesting to consider.

And the best $8 buy.  A Lodge cast iron kettle for my eco printing.  I can build a little fire and set the kettle in the coals and let the heat do the magic.  And I can make a walnut bath when I get some black walnuts from Dee in the near future.  The kettle inside is rusty but with Lodge-that's easy to clean up with a wire brush. But I will be using it for cloth so a little rust--a good thing--someone put it away wet.

We also got a big (poster board size) dry erase board for garden and home tasks for G.  Help him to see/remember what needs to be done.  He can also write messages to himself on it- to remind himself of where he puts things. Yesterday he spent so much time trying to find the sharpener for the hand pruners.  But now I have it and put it away with the bird feeder charger and something else I can't remember.  But it's three things he can never find.

Two ticks (so far) today.  And now I feel all "ticky".  Today's walk was muggy, damp and full of mosquitoes.  So many!!!  Well, I think I'll take a shower to get rid of the feeling of ticks.  And then start in on making Father's Day Dinner.  It's just the two of us.  Daughter stopped in this morning bringing jars layered with cookie crumbles, pudding and Cool Whip for her dad's sweet tooth.  Son called and they talked about work etc.  So, it's been a good day.  And a good friend of mine stopped in to have a visit.  She found the two ticks on me.  Walking on my pale blue work shirt.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for thinking of me at Goodwill. It will be fun to have your pink baby quilt to take for the NICU.
