Saturday, October 20, 2018

Daily Notes- October Twenty

Image from Art Propelled

Today was One of the Best Days.  I was teaching a class on putting your garden to bed for the Winter.  Time is running out here in Maine to get garden chores done before the first snowfall.

Seven were signed up by my lovely, sweet co-worker had many many chairs set out.  Not enough.  We had 30 gardeners for the class.  I had to use my rescue inhaler once.  Drink water and clear my throat many times.  But they heard me.  So many good questions.

There were no indicators in my personality in childhood that "teaching" would be the perfect career for me.  I found out only 12 years ago.  It comes so naturally for me to talk about what I love.  Perhaps I needed to fall in love with a subject before the teaching magic could happen?  Something to think about.

I came home and took a long hot shower.  The greenhouse is a dirty place with airborne particles. I caught up on the news--sadly a special needs adult guy who came in three days a week to clean the bathrooms, sweep and dust hadn't come into work for a few days so our employer asked the police to do a Wellness Check.

 Sweet, kind Joe had died. He lived alone. His sister came in to collect his last check and tell us how VERY MUCH he loved his job at the greenhouse and the people he worked with.  I was his "go to" person when the vacuum got clogged and we swept the greenhouse together for 10 years.  Joe will be missed--

G and I are eating our way through the"visit" food I prepared.  Today might be the end of it.  I just finished another Hilderbrand book--- Blue Bistro.  It had everything a Nantucket book wants--food, beach, money, clothes and this one had so much "heart". It will be one of the special books I reach for again and again.  Summer is ending and the time for reading beach books will end soon.  When it snows?

1 comment:

  1. I too discovered I like teaching adults when I taught computer skills starting at fifty! Nice that you had a big crowd. do you use an outline?

    Sorry about your friend Joe.
