Monday, October 01, 2018

Daily Notes- October One

From Art Propelled

Minus the running kantha stitches-- this looks like my recent eco printing cloth.  The dark ones.  I can see how the running stitches give it added dimension.  Dark thread in the light areas and light thread in the darks.

At Goodwill I looked at a few steamer pots they had on the shelving where they put old beat up old kitchen things.  Ten dollars seemed like too much.  I could be mistaken.  We'll see if they are still there next week.

I could always use what I already have--like the compost bucket.  It was/is a newish kettle and lid combo and has never been on the stove.  I just need to insert the steamer basket I already own. And perhaps a can to raise the basket above the amount of water I want to use.  Well, that seems like an interesting plan.  Then I don't buy anything (dual usage) and don't have to worry about whether I contaminated my Revereware soup pot with iron water.  I have scrubbed it 10 times.  Still worried. But it's iron and not lead.  Any comments are welcome.  I haven't made any soup in it since the cloth steaming so no one's been poisoned.  And I have other cooking pots that I can easily use to make future soup.

It was stupid of me to use a cooking pot.  But I hadn't ever used iron/rust water and didn't think it through until AFTER.

But I pinky swear not to make any soup in the kettle I steamed cloth and rusty water in.

I have an overdue book on sadness and food to read---G and Riley are both asleep as I write this.  Both snoring away.  We turned off the television.  Trump really limited the scope of the FBI so I have no hope left regarding the new Judge for Life.  So-I baked a pan of brownies.

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