Sunday, September 30, 2018

Daily Notes-- September 30

Pluto has left the building (in my sign) and after months of investigating what I think might bring me JOY, I am going to develop (the stars say) a masterplan approach to pleasure.  I could elevate a hobby or favorite activity into expert status.  Woo Hoo.  Beaded bracelets.

Yes, Dear Readers, I have been a bit glum lately-- I blame it on watching the news.  I blame it on standing on the scale at the doctor visit.  I blame it on the contact dermatitis that comes and goes and always itches.  I blame it on the coming Fall cleanup of this house.  Dusty corners!!! Windows!!!! I blame it on my knees which threaten to give way as I walk or climb stairs.

So--Tomato season is over and IF the Patriots game goes south early--I'll blanch, peel and package the remaining tomatoes and get a start on the peppers.  If the game goes well--I'll do tomatoes tomorrow.  I can also make more soup as I ate the last bowl for lunch yesterday.

We watched the first two episodes of the Miniaturist on PBS last evening (recorded).  G gave up midway in the first episode.  I had read the book (Jessie Burton) and really enjoyed "seeing" it.  1600's Amsterdam. I was left wondering what other viewers who hadn't read the book made of it all?  It meanders.  In any event a feast for the eyes of this reader.  And I plan to re-read the book and watch it again.

I sorted out my bookcase Saturday afternoon.  Took books to Goodwill today.  No one needs 10 dictionaries.  Bartlett's Quotations never got opened.  Found about 8 blank journals.  I can STOP buying any more of them. I also found an invitation from the American Embassy in Budapest to dinner and dancing on the 4th of July in 1980 something.  McDonald's was there serving Big Macs to diplomats.  For the Holiday.  About five guys and their wives were the McDonald's staff for the cook out.  Memories.  The Special Sauce came in a diplomatic "pouch" by plane.  Which made us all laugh.  We didn't go to the dinner or dance as no one mentioned to the wives that we would need to pack evening wear.

I also packed up and moved all my cloth.  We ( G and I) are trying to figure out if my cutting table can fit in the office with the sewing machine.  I like cutting cloth in the dining room but not everyone (G) thinks it's the proper place to do cutting.

Football Time.


  1. Looks like there was no soup in your life yesterday, your team did good. Although, my team's game was a little more exciting!

  2. Really? I didn't take you for a football woman. We here in Braves country will be treated to some October baseball as this team of mostly fledglings made it the playoffs. No one ever thought it could happen and game by game, they came through.

    I started clearing things up in the studio yesterday too. I can see the table top, and underneath on makeshift shelves - three unsullied notebooks. My knees sympathize with yours.

    Would you like a pint of bead soup?

  3. Yes, I like threading beads on string or just running them through my fingers in a Japanese bowl. Sorting them. Lining them up in a design and then pouring them back in the Japanese bowl.
    Meditation with beads. It won’t be my Life’s Work. That will be something where I talk to people. Or it could be telling a story in Cloth. Or a Book I write.

    As a child and way through college I didn’t talk to anyone. Some thought I was mute or retarded. or stubborn
    Now I walk through any public area and smile at strangers (I think) when they smile at me and they stop and talk with me. I waited on them at my work in the library or greenhouse.
    They remembered me and want to talk with me more. Ask a question. It’s a fascinating thing. Something unplanned but—well, I’m good at it. Easy with it. Open.

    Perhaps I can make a bracelet for them? I read a book many times— the young woman makes bead bracelets with a little charm bead and a little note.
    Perhaps a little boat sailing away— and the note says “adventure awaits you”. I would love doing that. But cannot find any small beads with little items pictured on them
    Boats, hearts, wings, arrows, houses, the moon, stars etc. But I will keep looking.
