Monday, October 22, 2018

Daily Notes- October 22

Autumn Leaves, Seeds and Birds Stocking Up

We have a very large blue jay feeding at the bird feeder attached to the kitchen window.  He hangs upside down and sideways to get his seeds.  Makes "racket" on the window.  Perhaps so we'll look over and notice him?

Our neighbor across the street is getting  the back side of her house roof shingled. Lots of trucks and work people.  Nailing noise.

G is going across the street to mulch mow and pick up the maple leaves on our neighbor's front lawn. I want them for my garden.  G says this is his final year doing yard work for anyone but me.  He says this every Fall.  But this year he says there are enough maple leaves in our side yard for my garden.

I am going to the library to return books and then to the grocery to see if they have something for my aching right thumb joint.  A pain cream.  Something to rub into the joint. I haven't been able to hand stitch anything in a few weeks now. My working hand thumb.  I can still manage to sew squares together on the sewing machine.  Cutting the squares is not comfortable with the rotary cutter. Sigh!

My desk calendar is filling up with written notes.  Ideas.  Beauty in the unfolding of Life. John O'Donohue. I like the thought of Life unfolding as one moves through Time.  Always something yet unseen, waiting for you to unfold, move into it.  Perhaps the pain in my thumb leads to something new and unexpected?


  1. Arnica gel or cream. A homeopathic that WORKS.

  2. I have the very same thumb joint pain and can't do any cutting fabric, so frustrating. I tried the Arnica cream with no results, I liked Aspercream better, but still too painful for using a rotary cutter or scissors. Good luck with your pain, hope you find some relief.

  3. Definitely he pain in your thumb is leading you to pay attention to something good coming for you. The Universe wants you to pay attention to something.
