Friday, June 30, 2017

The Front Door I Imagined

Remember me saying I wanted planters--black ones--on either side of the door?  The existing trim in already there next to the new door--just like the trim in this picture.  My door swings open the other way.

I may just have to put my foot down, cross my arms across my chest, stick my chin out....and say--Paint it!

Rain over night and into the morning.  Humidity is very high.  Mosquito count is even higher.  Poor dog was out there covered in insects.  So, I got the leash on him, dragged him inside (literally) and then made myself presentable enough for "errands" and we got into the car--together.  Still cool enough being in the car but by the end of the "errands" getting a bit too warm for a black dog.

I got steel wool to sand the metal sun (for a co-worker's mom) and a "short stuff" can of golden spray paint.  Now I am thinking of searching the attic --and all those containers--for sparkly beads to glue into the pierced holes all around the edges.  So when the light hits it--it flashes a bit.  I might have golden ones.

G is off cutting grass for Summer People.  The Painter is off early to hang bunting on a house for more Summer People and their holiday visit.  Someone else is filling the fridge, stocking the wine cabinet, setting out fresh flowers and making the beds.  The laundry needs doing also.  Coming in from Washington, DC.

Here at my house I have two armloads of cold weather gear to carry up into the attic--after the paint on the stairs drys.  I have a load of wash in the washer.  I also promised myself to fill two large bags or two boxes with things for Goodwill.  Last Tuesday all the old lampshades I had in the attic went into recycling.  Once upon a time, I thought I would recover them and "make them cute".  My "cute" phase is past--thankfully.  Think Mary Englebreit.  I still have light switch plates--lots of them with little cherries and black and white checkerboards.

Well, I am off to call the dog.  He needs to come in and cool off.  And then I can look for sparkly beads.

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