Wednesday, June 28, 2017

More Black & White Design Ideas From The Internet

So the "trend" here seems to be more black.   Black walls--at least one.  Black doors.  Black furniture.
I am all for black--I like it, but I am keeping it to floors and counter tops.  Picture frames.  Light fixtures.  

I am liking the black tile floor in my walk in shower.  I am REALLY LOVING the black ceramic tiles on the floor in the bath and the hallway (entrance to house).  I love it so much I mop it on a daily basis.  Just because I like mopping it.  The previous hallway floor could not be mopped.  It was a hands and knees job.  And Q-tips to clean the grooves.  Many, many grooves.  And a sign that said "dangerous when wet".  Seriously dangerous.  Like crack your skull open slippery.

So, my tile choices--- Super Wonderful.

My entrance hall and closets are being painted this week.  Primer, first coat and then finish coat. Extra White.  Sanding in between.  So dusty.  Mopping required.

I spent yesterday on the couch.  Not moving much.  Vertigo.  Like being on a ship in a big storm at sea.  I have no idea why.  But it was seriously scary.  No reading no looking at anything.  Eyes closed head steady in one spot.  Walking was not fun.  I seemed to be aiming at walls and smacking into them.

Today was better.  I got outside and did weeding.  So many weeds.  Not many successful carrots, arugula, or collards (out of a whole packet of seeds--four plants).  Plenty of kale (as usual).

My squash seeds aren't germinating.  I may have to buy a bushel of zucchini at the Farmer's Market in order to make jars of pickles. I have found the bread and butter recipe works so much better with thinly sliced young zucchini instead of cucumbers.  And you know--buying a bushel seems like a really good thing right now.  I can make all the pickles at once.  No waiting for more to grow.

My potato plants are looking great.  My tomato and pepper seedlings are growing nicely on the front porch "greenhouse".  Ready whenever I am to go in the garden.  I am waiting for a cooler than usual, rainy day.  Or at least a cloudy day.  Easier transition for them.  Thought they are getting some wind.

So my first 6 days away from work have been good ones.  Tomorrow I get my hair cut, water a client's tomato plants while she is away, go to the bank to cash a check.  I think that's about it. I am still working my way thru The Thirst.  It's slow going and I don't remember Nesbo's books to be this slow.

I am thankful the "mean" health care bill is being set aside for the July 4th recess.  What really breaks my heart is taking Medicare away from older folks in nursing homes.  In most cases, they have no where else to be.  Will they just be put on the curb with their box of belongings? Perhaps the wealthy folks getting their tax cuts could take them in????  I am just unable to believe this is happening in America.  Brings tears to my eyes.  What exactly did he mean when he said he would make America Great Again??????  Please, someone, explain it to me.

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