Monday, June 04, 2012

Sometimes You Just Get The Short End Of The Stick

Today is one of those days.  My daughter woke me for the second of my days off when I was actually enjoying a much needed deep sleep.  She needed to discuss her cat's health with me.  And ask that I drive over and check the cat's gums (see if they are pink) to know he is getting enough oxygen.  The cat has Angry Airways.  His lungs and airways are inflamed and congested.  He is having trouble breathing.  On the second visit to the emergency vet on Sunday, the cat had an x ray.  My daughter got to see all his organs and his lungs.

My husband just called.  He is having a "very bad day" at work and I had to talk him down off the roof, so to speak. It's still raining and the roof of his workplace is leaking in three places.  I wanted to mention that the roof in my workplace is leaking in several hundred places.  But I didn't.

I am tired of all this rain.  It is still raining continuously.  All my plants are on the front porch.  Their soils just can't handle any more saturation.  They need a rest.  A bit of "dry".  Me, too.

I worked yesterday in the downpour and chill.  We had hardly any customers.  My back hurt from the work I did on Saturday in my own garden.  Lifting those four heavy bales of peat moss wasn't the smartest thing I have ever done--but it (the peat) needed to be spread on the garden so the rain could moisten it.

G and I had grilled filet (wrapped in bacon) for dinner last night with baked potatoes and steamed broccoli.  I ate an entire baked potato covered in butter and chive sour cream.  It's one potato.  And it was perfectly baked and delicious.  There are far worse things that I could have eaten.  I am eating oatmeal for breakfast.  I wanted something warm.  Something that wasn't eggs.  I had eggs yesterday and they were good.  Sausage, onion, peppers and baby kale with cheese.

My left side hurts.  I can't sit in one position for very long without the pain receptors pinging. This is the muscle group I over extended while lifting and turning with the heavy bale of peat.  Once would have been bad enough, but I repeated it.  I took an orange pill at work.  I should take another.  It will make me sleepy.  I think, since it's raining, all the wash is done, the shirts are ironed and we'll be having pizza (G will) for dinner tonight; that I will visit the cat and then take the orange pill and try and nap the afternoon away.  I may visit the cat in my pajamas.  Not even bother getting dressed. Most of the people I see in town, look like they are wearing their pajamas.

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