Tuesday, June 05, 2012

If You're Reading This

Please take a moment to send a prayer for a little black cat fighting for his life today.  Not Angry Airways. Congestive heart failure.  He's in an oxygen chamber at the Vet's and needs to be taken to Portland for a special test if they can stabilize him for the car ride.  My daughter called asking me to go with her whenever he is ready.

I am completely useless in a medical emergency.  Completely.  G is not available.  I can't think of anyone to call.  I am useless when it comes to even driving the two of them to Portland.  I will do what I can and trust in...... trust in what?  That what doesn't kill you makes you stronger?  I don't believe that.


  1. Oh I am so sorry for you and Sam and Moomer...

    It sounds like an awful situation. You're all in my thoughts.

  2. Wishing all of you the strength to get through this. Thinking of you!

  3. Poor kitty. It is so hard to watch them suffering. Hope he is OK.
