Friday, April 13, 2012

That Damned To Do List Is Finished

Yes, indeed.  The taxes are done and mailed.  All the dirty clothes have been washed.  All the shirts that aren't in the washer or dryer are ironed.  The bills are paid.  Overdue books have been taken to the library. My paychecks have been deposited.  I treated myself to frozen Cool Whip.  I pretend it's ice cream.

I have tomorrow OFF.  Working four days straight is just about as bad as working five days straight was last week.  Because the days start an hour earlier and end an hour later.  G has helped out by picking up Riley at day care when I work until 6.  He's also helped out this week, the first where I have to get up between 5:30 and 6 am, by taking me out to dinner three days in a row.  See, I like it, but I complained about just this sort of thing to the investment banker.

Today was in the 60's (sort of) and tomorrow is supposed to be warmer.  I think I will try and plant my onions and peas in the garden and start my tomato and pepper seeds in the house.  G has asked that I exercise restraint when planting the tomato seeds.  He thinks I overdo it.  If only other people had willingly accepted the gift of started tomatoes, I wouldn't have had 26 tomato plants.  It wasn't MY fault.

I got to work with the new hire yesterday and today.  She's studying horticulture at a local college and this is her summer internship.  R has to keep a journal of her internship experiences and so far she has taken pictures of some bugs on a basil leaf and the gunk we picked off the Venus flytrap plants to make them look nicer.  None of the floor drains clogged, so she missed out on pictures of that.  Always pleasant to be the one unclogging the drains.

It could be worse.  D told us that they couldn't order something on the Taco Bell menu because the "meat hose" was clogged.  Really.  That's a pretty image, isn't it?  What menu item do you think it could be? We forgot to ask, as we were so gobsmacked by the words "meat hose" and "clogged".

I ate four of my hard boiled eggs with mayo (egg salad) and an avocado.  It was pretty good considering it was eggs.  Very high fat.  But, still.  It was eggs.  My Banquet sausage patties are terrible.  I bought Jimmy Dean replacement sausages today after work.  My breakfast needs to taste good.

I warned G that I might do some "chemistry set" baking tomorrow.  Make a cake or something using non-traditional ingredients.  Meaning no sugar or grain based flours.  I am leaning toward the Wheat Belly Carrot Cake, mainly so I can make SF instant pudding frosting with cream cheese.  The recipe makes a 9 inch square "cake" which is way too much for me to eat.  So, it has to be tasty and edible enough for G to eat.   I used to look forward to eating but no more.  I get hungry, but I have lost my appetite for food.  Which is why I haven't made any baked goods (for myself) in almost a year. I bake for G all the time. I'm thinking the Cool Whip in the freezer is good enough for the occasional dessert.  A legal baked good could be way too dangerous at this point in the weight stall.

1 comment:

  1. OK, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing (in horror) at the concept of the "meat hose." Oh. My. Good. God.
