Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spring Is Here.

This is last year's Spring planting for the porch planter.  The impatients aren't in the greenhouse yet.  And no coleus either.  We seem to be "behind".   I set my two in house geraniums outside in the sun and plan to clip cuttings from them for summer usage.  My one flat of pansies are the antique shades I enjoy.  Roses and golden yellows with a faint touch of orange.  The warm side of the pansy family.

Riley is wanting his walk.  I am still busy with the internet.  Dr Oz.  I am a Pitta body type.  I should eat juicy foods with a high water content.  No nuts.  Avocado, mango and pineapple in the fruit category. All the high fat dairy.  No egg yolks.  Leafy vegetables and no starchy ones.  Pretty much what I like to eat.  I even had the 30 grams of protein in my first meal of the day for some other diet Dr Oz talked about.  Everything points the way to my eating a proper diet for my body type.  Except.  This diet says okay to cane sugar, wheat, rice and couscous.  No. No. No.

I stopped at the hospital book sale and got a lovely low carb cookbook with a recipe for mock kahlua the coffee drink I love to add to chocolate cakes.  I could add it to cream and have a lovely cocktail.  Or not.

My breakfast eggs (egg beaters) was MUCH better today with Jimmy Dean sausage and sautéed kale.  I just don't like the other sausage or the wilted spinach.  It all feels too soft and squishy.  Now, I think that means I don't LIKE soft juicy things.  Pitta body type things.  Sorry Dr Oz.

My IRA investment person called me (on Saturday) to discuss my choices for funds for my IRA contribution.  We decided on a fund that buys stocks with good dividends.  I like dividends.  She mentioned that ATT has the best dividends.  I replied that I own ATT stock and wasn't at all impressed with it.  I like that she's a woman.  The guys that call (from the same company) are so aggressive and pushy.  I usually listen for awhile and then hang up on them.

That's about all that is happening here.  I plan to make pizzas for dinner.  And retain a great deal of water tomorrow and probably the rest of next week.  I may even have a third cup of coffee.  It's decaf and it tastes good, so why not.

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