Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve- 2011

My camera is working again, with new batteries.  We think the charging cradle is broken.  I don't have the knowledge or equipment (to hand) to attach the camera directly to the computer (but I will) so, since this is what I wanted to take a picture of anyway, I decided to use last winter's picture.   This year's clementines are a bit darker orange and shinier (and in a different, darker blue square bowl).  Full of seeds.  But spicy tasting.

I have my daughter's cheese pierogi to make today.  The house to clean (after making a floury mess with the pierogi).  A few packages to wrap. Bills to pay.  I've already been to the library to get G a book to read over the weekend (priority).  And I visited the grocery for the items we need for the Christmas Burritos.  Every cart (and there seemed to be hundreds of carts) had a large prime rib roast in it.  With more in the meat cases waiting for pick up.  I've never cooked one and don't intend to begin at 65.  With only three eating (one of whom would never eat prime rib).

Yesterday was my final day at work for 2011. Hurrah!!  I transferred the "reins of power" to a lovely teenager.  She will now arrange, re-arrange, water and repot plants in the greenhouse on what will certainly be her last day at work in 2011.  She is delighted.  She loves it in the greenhouse.  Especially, on a day like today, with the sun shining.  Yes, it's freezing cold, but the sun is shining.  Doing it's best to melt the ice covering my driveway.

I am coughing and otherwise congested from my shoveling of that driveway after work yesterday.  So many wood fires burning in wood stoves and fireplaces.  And I am now seriously allergic to the wood smoke.  I may have to wear a face mask when outdoors from now on.

I heard on the news this morning, that people who ordered stuff on the internet on Black Friday and Cyber Monday (for delivery by Christmas) are now getting emails (or have gotten them this week) telling them that the stuff they ordered will NOT be arriving for Christmas.  Oh, Really????  A Giant Glitch.  Or Grinch. I wonder how this will effect the way people shop next year?

I do want to wish every one of you, Dear Readers, a Happy Christmas Holiday filled with everything you love.  Be warm, happy and well fed.  Laugh as much as possible.  Wear warm socks.


  1. Yup, got my warm socks on! Merry Christmas, Joanne, to you and your family.

    Oh, and I like that pic...beautiful orange and red!


  2. I've got the warm socks covered. Ha ha!

    No prime rib here (ick)- I've always referred to it as "roast beast." Your cheese pierogies sound delicious!

    I love the photo for today's post even if it is a year old.

    Mostly I want to wish you and all your family a very happy Christmas. Many blessings to each of you and a peaceful sort of joy.

  3. "Smart wool" socks keep my feet warm. Thanks for the warm picture too. You may try rubbing the metal connections of your rechargable camera with a pencil eraser. Sometimes there is a build up that prevents it from charging. Happy Christmas!

  4. Yep, warm socks here too. Of course, today is sunny and in the 40s. Melt snow melt!! Merry Christmas, Joanne.

  5. Wishing you the most awesome and most peaceful Christmas

  6. Have a great holiday this Christmas!
