Monday, December 26, 2011

Boxing Day

I remember the ONE time we were invited to a Boxing Day brunch while living in Germany.  It was really quite a delight to be having "Christmas" the day after.  The food was wonderful and the glasses of Sekt were even better.  And best of all, no presents necessary.  I think this is the day the "help" gets their presents and any leftovers from the Christmas Day bash.

My Christmas was filled with Hello Kitty.  More pajama pants (which must be worn low under the navel and not pulled up Urkle like to the waist), notepads and the cutest HK pen which I love, love, love.  And a wrist purse.  White HK head and a big red bow.  A big fat red squishy bow.  Too sweet.  It even snowed.

The dog loved his bone, the snow and the treats.  The daughter loved her down pillow, scarf and Santa Cash.  The son called from California wondering how and where he was to wear the Ralph Lauren sweater I sent him (like a sweatshirt).  The boyfriend arrived in time to have Christmas Burritos with us (he had to work) and there were no leftovers.  The daughter and boyfriend  packed up their pumpkin pie to eat today, I think.  I had forgotten to use the Splenda brown sugar blend I bought for the pie, so I couldn't have any.  I had a portion of the whipped cream for my Christmas dessert.  Then I cleaned everything up and sat down to read.  My eyes were so dry.  We tried drops and finally I gave up and went to bed.

I started the day with a shower, fresh clothes, Smartwool socks.  The dog has finally eaten his breakfast and is back outside.  I don't know what to eat for my breakfast.  I did make coffee.  My book is due on the 28th so I know I will try to read if my eyes don't get all grainy.  I've taken an allergy tab.  All the laundry is washed, dried and folded ( I did it yesterday), the floors are vacuumed (G did it yesterday), the bills are all paid (I wrote the checks yesterday).  The holiday was spent doing household chores, walking the dog and cooking.

One of my favorite day after Christmas days was while we lived in Germany.  We had company (my brother and his family) for Christmas day and they helped us undecorated the tree before they left for their home.  We were leaving the next morning for 10 days of ski vacation in Switzerland.  I got very sick. A bad chest cold. I either napped in a deep hot bath, walked for hours in the crisp winter sunshine or sat by the fire drinking the homemade cherry brandy the innkeeper made himself.  The husband and kids were off skiing each day. The catered evening meals were shared with other McD's families on the ski trip with us.  I actually had nothing to do for 10 days.  Wonderful.

But, I can pretend to be in a Swiss ski chalet, with my breakfast, a snowy view out the window, crisp air and sunshine and, for the moment, nothing to do.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had a very happy Christmas. I'm glad.

    Regarding the dry eyes, I have the same trouble. You may want to try "Blink" which is an over the counter eye drop. It's more expensive than many of the other eye drops available but it works very well for me. Much more lubricating.

    Enjoy Boxing Day.
