Friday, March 31, 2023

Field Notes- Friday, March 31st. Sunshine with Possible Rain. Washing Machine Pages.

 My Picture File is blah, would never want open shelving.

So.....yesterday we (husband driving and me hoping for the best), went into Town- so much in Town traffic for a VERY Petite Sized Town- to pick up his repaired hearing aid. home.

Oh, I did stop at the Library to drop off a book I wasn't going to read and pick up two more.

I didn't read yesterday.  I usually do......but I didn't even though I want to know what happens to the guy trapped in the cement Copenhagen.  One in a short (right now) list of horrible deaths.  One of them made me close my eyes while reading the words.........  in case you are wondering......this was my USUAL reading material for years and years....I NEVER, at that point in Time--read a Romance Novel. NEVER.  I did in the years before.  But not then.  Just creepy and very savage murder mysteries.

I can't watch a brutal murder on tv...ever.  I can read about it.

So.we got in the car, drove into Town traffic- why our Town has so much drive thru traffic is beyond me. There is a highway.  Use it.  We found parking.  Shutter.  We parked. We lived to tell the tale.

MSNBC was watched until midnight.  Stephanie Ruhle.  Her show was very very good.  One commentator was sitting alone at midnight in her vast empty blue and white kitchen. And I finally hit the jackpot and got Mary Trump.  Donald's cousin.  Been wanting to know what she thought.

I cleaned (dusted) part of my bedroom floor- need to get under the bed......scrubbed the toilet and now going back down the hall to do a load of washing machine pages.....I am out of underwear. Husband is asleep on the sunporch with a word search book open and a pen in his hand....... he has a new puzzle on the table.  

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Field Notes- Thursday. March 30th. Sunshine but not Warm.

 We might have seen this image before.  And What happened to yesterday's picture??? I want a Black and White Kitchen. Someday.

Well, I am reading my Covid 19 murder mystery and the police (in Denmark) are trying to find a way to work and also be safe.  Which is not easy.  Right now a man is inside a room with no exits, a pail of water, no food......not looking like he's going to get out.  

We got a call this morning that the Hearing Aid was ready for pickup.  So...faster than I thought.  It was expensive. But both are now under warranty so repairs next time will be covered.  The drive set my teeth on edge. I did get to laugh as the Eye Glass Guy (while Gary was getting Hearing aids sorted) was teasing me for being "opinionated" about which new frames looked good on a male customer.  He got the "good" ones.  They matched his hair....... still makes me laugh. Actually, they made the dark hair look "more" and the gray look "less".  

My red frames....make the white look whiter???????  I am laughing.  they actually make my eyes look DARKER.

I also stopped in the Library to return a book I wasn't interested in reading and to check out another one. I also got another puzzle for husband.  He's finishing them pretty quickly this week. I got a book for myself.

I just cooked pasta to go along with husband's last Chicken Parm meal.  Tomorrow I will make a second pot of Chicken Soup for this week. Boil soup noodles.  I am trying to find something else he might be  "encouraged" to far, I am not finding anything.  Or more likely, something that does not involve pasta.  Perhaps I can encourage him to try a sandwich?

Do something to make yourself or someone else laugh today........the news of the World is sad enough today.

I am thinking of a salad for myself.  Maybe.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Field Notes- Wednesday, March 29th. Sunshine. Still patches of Snow.

 I pasted something over the artist's name for this (on the desk calendar).  I need to do better.

I paid bills.  Post Office picked them up.  Today I am going to the Town Office to pay Property Tax Bills. Ours and Daughter's.   She is finishing up her last week at the Candy Factory and then will be working on Landscaping.  There is a chance she and George will be driving down to Trader Joes.  His car wouldn't make it.  So they are going in her car.

I watched some news.  I started reading a book.  I read it once before and don't think it will hold my attention but...who knows.  The most recent Will Trent book is waiting for me at the Library.  I did watch last night's episode of Will Trent.  Will and the little was very much like the books.  The woman on the show- the one Will is involved with- is Angie.  It was interesting to see Faith, her mom and Amanda.  They got those character's right.  In the books, Will would NEVER wear a brown three piece suit. Just so you know.

In the book I just finished which went back and forth from Jeffery to Will, the author had her final say on Jeffery.......listed all the women he had slept with while cheating on his wife Sara.  I am guessing the author wants to be done with that story line. Me, too.

We are getting ready to go....husband is waiting by the door.  

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Field Notes. Tuesday, March 28th. Clouds, grey sky. Warm.

 Ceramic Pans.  I have one large one.  Food slides around on the surface.  I read the info and it likes medium heat but high heat will damage the surface.  I think I knew that but forgot it.  I make pancakes in it.  Which is one of it's highlighted purposes. They slide around on the surface but get a nice surface browning. I had pancakes for supper.  Yesterday.

I used the same photo twice.  Two days in a a row on my posts.  Wow.

We are having more and more outbursts of....I am not sure what...I guess the "knowing" mistakes are being made (usually with iPhone calls) is bothering him.......he has started asking for the "real phone" meaning the house land line.  Just tried calling about his hearing aid in for repairs.  Going to be a Bad Day.

I paid bills today.  He gave me the wrong date.  I asked what is the date today and he gave me last week off his iPhone.  Now...that iPhone knows what day it is........Even my crappy iPhone knows what day it is.

I think we have transitioned from not having a clue what is going on to being angry about what is going on. I knew that was coming.  He has a vile temper.  

The shooting yesterday.  Deep in Republican Territory.  Why do they need to shoot Innocent Children and Old People????  Why two assault  rifles.  Why two?  Tell me.

I took a long hot shower yesterday afternoon.  I always forget in the morning.  I am too tired at night.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Field Notes- March 27th. the sun is shining but other than that...A Totally Crap Day.

 I WAS planning to buy a bouquet of fresh flowers at the grocery store.  BUT the flowers are next to the Pharmacy Pick Up.  My new inhaler prescription- for generic- had a $178 co-pay.  I gave the inhalers back.  Usually the REAL INHALERS have a $40 (each) co-pay.  sigh.  We drove home and put the groceries away and after trying--in vain--to call the doctor's office----to change back to Advair and not the generic- we went back and I waited the 30 to 40 minutes while they re-energized the prescription.   And I paid.

I was"this" close to stopping using an inhaler.  But when I was waiting in the car, I was having trouble breathing.  And, now that it's WARM, I am feeling terrible.  My clothing was too warm.  I had to sit with my head down at the Library so I didn't faint.  And...yes, I had used the inhaler I had at home just a few hours earlier.  I was just afraid of fainting and falling on the floor.

Husband was sitting on the SunPorch just now and eating the two "big" tangerines I got him.  Actually a bag of them.  I have apples. He likes tangerines. I stopped buying bananas as they give me acid reflux.

The grocery was full of people.  I got everything on the list.....parchment paper was next to the light bulbs. Why it isn't in with baking is beyond's used to line baking sheets and pans and I bake bread and pizza on it- helps to get the baked goods off the Pizza stone in a very hot oven.  Light Bulbs.

So...a bad start to warmer weather.  All the snow on the house roof has melted.  Still patches on the grass. I didn't buy any Easter Candy.  Not sure there is any that I like.......

Well, I have another 30 to 40 minutes to finish the final Will Trent book.  There should be a new one- I might go look on line.  I got three books at the library.  And I mentioned, I didn't feel like looking anymore..... I am going to take off this sweater and put on a cotton work shirt.  Or not.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Field Notes- Sunday March 26th. Snow Yesterday..but warmer today so it's melting. Clouds.

 I am feeling like it might actually be SPRING someday SOON. Love the Tulips.

Still mostly grey outdoors but the purple/blue crocuses out back are looking quite lovely.  I am tempted to cut some for inside the house....but..they belong outside.  The Daffodils are swelling and will produce the white variety my brother in law Roger sent as a welcome to your new house gift years and years ago.   1991.

The bulbs multiply and I used to dig them up (and divide) and then plant the bulbs all around the property.   So.. Roger's Daffodils are everywhere.  Which means I will NEVER forget him or the sweet, kindness of him. Twenty has become Two Hundred and then more.

I watched the Fringe episodes I recorded last week and today I am watching the episodes I recorded yesterday.  And today I will record episodes for next Saturday. 

I made a Pot of Chicken Soup for husband yesterday afternoon.  He enjoyed it.  Tomorrow is Grocery Shopping and Library.  Balls of frozen Pizza Dough are on Sale.  We enjoyed the Pizza we had for lunch last I'll buy more..... I have been eating my side of the pie with just cheese and onion.  The Pepperoni was causing acid reflux.  Or it could have been the pizza crust...... I could get Gluten Free...but then I wouldn't want pizza anymore.  I am wondering what else I could add to my side.......

Husband worked on the puzzle..pieces are missing. I need to get a ladder and check the top of the bookcase. We didn't put the pieces into a plastic bag the last error.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Field Notes- rain yesterday. Snow Today? 36 degrees. Slight ray of sunshine.

 Wow.  Chili with Toppings.  I am ALWAYS an Admirer of TOPPINGS.

I just never have the topping ingredients here in the fridge.  Red onion, jalapeño, avocado, yellow cheese. Sour cream.  sigh.  Perhaps someone will ring the doorbell and hand me a bowl of chili??? Not. So NOT.

I have one or two more servings of the Cherry Tomato Pasta.  It's very good. After it's done I have Romaine Lettuce with toppings of Pulled Pork, Cheese and Sour Cream. I actually thought it would be WARM this week.  I was WRONG.

I am struggling with the 2020 Silent Wife. By Karen Slaughter.  I can't figure out who the Silent Wife is. Things are not going well with Will and Sara.  And we keep drifting back into Time to when Jeffery wasn't dead.  I recall the mailbox blowing up (a pipe bomb) and Jeffery getting the full blast.  Now we are rewriting history with him getting a bullet to the forehead?  Come on......I don't like this.

I put the book before Silent Wife on the return pile after only 20 or so pages.   Now this.

Hallmark had sort of a good movie yesterday- a series of weddings every weekend.. same two people invited to each of them.  But not good enough to keep me... and MSNBC lost me..and there was ZERO Law and Order.  So...I went up into the Attic.  Found two nice enough sweaters for husband to wear. and found myself an adorable brown Teddy Bear. By Gund.  He can sit up by himself.  He's right over there on the top of the printer lid.  Looking like he wants a hug.

Hope the Teddy likes Fringe.  It's on this weekend....all day.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Field Notes- Friday. March 24th. Overcast, Clouds A chance of What????

 Little weedy things coming up in this file photo.  Also the daffodils are "budding"in my own weedy patch.  I have quite a few purple blue crocuses.  No photo as I can't get close to them- there is a fence to keep deer from eating them..and it also keeps me out.  This photo is from a gardening site. It was in the photo file.  Which is getting thin.

Work continues on the puzzle.  Not me.  Husband.

I need to turn on lights.  I started the very last of the Will Trent Books.  A Prison Riot.  A case that turns back on the early books.  Sara'a first husband, Lena etc.  I don't like Sara with the first husband.  Lena. We seem to be full circle and back to where we started- erasing any progress we might have made.. Perhaps that's what the author wanted???? Why?

It's the last book.  I stopped reading the second to last book after less than 100 pages.  This one might have the same fate.  Why.  When the others were so good.....? did the publisher force her to write more??? I have a suspicion that the way back parts were written and tossed and now shuffled into a last book. I will give the book another hour and then put it on the return pile.  I am not a fan of Jeffery.

My desk top calendar is a riot of pasted newspaper headlines and images.  Even some cartoons.  I like it.

 (A) Murdock is being investigated about the murder of a friend of his when they were young. The surviving son.  Great family.

I did make my pasta yesterday and had a bowl while watching MSNBC.  All the regulars are off on Spring Break.  So I moved on the Law and Order : Criminal Intent.  Yesterday was BORING.....

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Field Notes- Thursday March 23rd. Dark, Clouds.....good chance for Rain.

 Western Honey Bee.

Battlebots.  On tv today.  Husband watches while doing word search puzzles.  I watched last week and it was awesome.  I might check in on the Bots again today. Engineers At Play. Sort of Wack A Mole with engines and wheels and controllers. Oh, and the big sharp AX.  Chopping the other Bot. And they let Girl Engineers play.

We also have a new puzzle on the puzzle table.  We've done it before.  It's a hard one. I walk over and do a few pieces...not too many..

Not much to read in the Morning Newspaper.  How can MSNBC and FOX fill WHOLE DAYS with news and the newspaper find little to nothing "new" to report.  I am guessing the key word here is "new."

I am finding MSNBC to be getting repetitive.  I think it used to be called "flogging a dead horse". All the regulars seem to have taken a Spring Break Vacation. I spent most of MSNBC wishing someone, during the breaks, would fix that one guy's hair.  A section was sticking out.  It was ALL I could look at.

I think I am "recovered" from Tuesday.....the key to this, going forward, is letting go of what I cannot ever change or improve.  Just accept.  Just accept.  Just accept.

I am NOT good at that......but I am going to be learning how to be good at it.

I am going to make a nice supper for myself today....I had planned to do that yesterday but didn't happen.  Today it will. It's also going to RAIN today. So...a nice hot supper.......pasta.  Made with a thawed container of tomatoes I grew, harvested, roasted and packed into a freezer will be good. Lots of pectin.  That's it for today......

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Field Notes- Sunshine with a Chance of Clouds, Rain and Snow. Everything Bagel. was like a slow motion movie.  

Everything I thought....isn't.  Everything I thought mattered... doesn't.

It all changed as we were driving thru Town on the way to the Pulmonary doctor's office.  A 45 minute harrowing drive (for me) west......and husband says- I don't know how to get there...

As in.....he had no memory of how to get there.  Even thought he got there just fine six months ago.

And just like new reality hit me....HARD.   Yes, I could have driven.......but I have never driven the Button Car (has no key)'s too large....I can hardly see over the dash....etc.  And I haven't driven a car (mine is on a Battery charging 24/7) since that day in the Summer.  And best of all-- my license hasn't been renewed..... my intention was to stop driving. Forever.

So, I did know, in basic terms where we were going.  I got us there. He drove. I gave directions. The appointment was mine.  The doctor is retiring.  We aren't going back.  I got my inhaler situation clarified and simplified. Prescriptions ordered......

But the Us that not the Us that got up, dressed and had breakfast yesterday.  That Us is gone.

Forever.  That is all the past....this is now..the NOW.

I will continue to have him drive me to the Library and Grocery Store just 10 minutes from the house.  Until...I get my driver's license renewed.  Until I get my car in working order.  I don't think I am capable of driving the Button Car. I can drive SIMPLE......I cannot drive COMPLEX.   All the bells and whistles. I cannot even turn off the radio.

Do I feel OLD? Yes. All 76 years of it.  Do I feel overwhelmed?  Totally. Do I want to just crawl back into bed and sleep for a few months?  Yes.  Deep Depression sounds like a Holiday right now.....

I made pizza when we got home.  He started a new puzzle..... I sat and stared at the wall. Then Law and Order. I was way past even being able to read a book.

Fate is pretty gave me a woman at the grocery store on Monday. I knew her and her husband when I worked at the greenhouse.  He also lost his memory and was in a place with diapers etc.  He passed awhile ago. She is doing fine, alone....we normally wouldn't have stopped to talk ....but we did on Monday. Before I knew.. for sure.

Fate wanted me to SEE the other side of this........the After.  Which is going to be okay.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Field Notes- Tuesday March 21st. Overcast, Gray Day. Doctor's appointment. Long Drive. Sun!!!!

 Meatballs.  I used to do this on the "regular" when on the Elimination Diet.  No Carbs.  So I made Meatballs in Marinara and and tucked them into storage containers (one meal's worth) and into the fridge and freezer they went.  A massive tray of meatballs.  This image reminded me of that period in my Life. Minus the cheese. Minus breadcrumbs.  Minus anything tasty other than the Marinara..

I was having lots of problems.  Rashes.  Weakness.  No one knew what was causing it.  I think it was STRESS.   That is sort of a silent killer.....all on it's own.  I was trying to recover from a month of Steroids.  Which decimate you....... they decided to do the steroids first.  Then tried to reassemble my internal organs to working order....... months....just months.  

One meal in the early days was a Chicken Bone Broth with ginger and other alliums.  Rice Noodles. The only baked good I had to eat were Banana muffins made with rice flour and zero sugar.  Texture of SAND.  But I was so HAPPY to have even that.  Banana Sand Muffins.  Rice Noodles are very Slippery.

I recall a raw Beet Smoothie.  Vita Mix.  Zucchini Noodles.   Left to dry until chewy.

The rash was near my eyes.  We were trying to stop it from actually getting into my eyes.

I was working two jobs for no good reason other than getting to shop in the LLBEAN Employee store and buy pants and stuff for less than two dollars each.  Sometimes for 25 cents.  

But I still wear all the stuff I bought.  But would never go back...Never.  And my eyes survived.

I am thinking about LLBean today because the guy who pruned my Peach Trees last year and weeded the fenced garden.....has gotten me a sage green flannel LLBean king sized duvet cover.  $2.  For my bed next Winter.   Pretty Sweet.  I'll have the devil of a time washing it.  My washer is on the small side.  I will need to go to the local Washing Machine Place.  Hang out there.  Eight Dollars in quarters for the big machine. that place even in business any more??????????  I washed my couch slipcovers there when I was slipcovering couches......  WAS.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Field Notes- Monday, March 20th. sunshine and mild temps....Grass.........

 Paper collage Raymond Saa. (I think)

Library....returning a large pile of books but not checking any out.....I didn't really look.

Grocery Store.  People with loaded carts and only two registers open plus the 14 item one.  A long wait. Chicken thighs- 99 cents.  Milk in short supply.  People on their knees trying to reach the cartons way way back in the cooler.  Me.  I reached as far I as could and did manage to make contact with a quart of the Lactate free milk I use with my morning oatmeal.  There was another...but I was thinking someone else might also need it.......  I had to select a different brand of coffee creamer.  Sigh. will be okay.

A number of people were getting the oat milk.  I have wondered about it- if I would like it.

I got bagels (three different varieties) for husband but decided to skip getting any bread for myself- acid reflux with wheat.  I have two choices for my own food today.   Chicken with Romaine or Pulled Pork with Romaine.  I just had a big spoonful of peanut butter.  There is always steamed rice.

I am back to Law and Order and MSNBC.   Fringe is only on weekends.  Headline News Channel but looking at the list of programs today...none of them have anything to do with Headline News. Weird.

I do need to do a load of wash- I am running out of underwear.  Got to have clean underwear.

Husband finished his latest puzzle- it had large pieces and took only hours instead of days. He sat down on the couch and fell asleep.  That's it for today.  We have groceries- perhaps not enough......but it will be okay.  Doctor's appointment tomorrow- one of us.  We don't know who.  I sort of think it's me.  Lung doctor and it never amounts to anything........ I do need a refill of a prescription.

Well,  that's it from Maine.  I'm now heading for the Washing Machine.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Field Notes- Sunday March 19th. Sunshine. Warm. Streets, Sidewalks and Drive are Clear and Dry.

 I had to go walking on the soggy back lawn to get this photo for you.   This area is close by the Septic System.  Warm.

So...something very very weird happened yesterday while I was going thru the cable tv stations to find something to watch.  I found a weird station.  Call letters but no name.  And it is showing Fringe.  In fact, one of the first episodes.   I remember watching this show.  It was on a station we didn't get but somehow...I don't remember, we watched it......and now...again.  A strange to me station and we get it.  It's a weekend thing.  I watched.  Then I cleaned out a bunch of stuff from the TiVo so I would have room to set it to record Fringe.  I'm not sure how long it will "appear" in the tv log but....however long..I will watch and record.  It's kind of wonderful.  In a creepy way.

I had no idea the bald headed guy was in the very first episodes.  And I had forgotten about people's heads exploding brain and blood all over..... it's pretty strange. I remember so much of it....

And if THAT isn't weird.  I think I mentioned, here, a woman walking past the house pointing at our roof. Where an animal had walked from a top corner in a straight diagonal to the opposite lower corner.  Well, she also took a picture... and she finally decided to come knock on the door and ask about it.

I told her it happens every Winter and some times it's a larger animal. This year a smaller one.  Squirrel we think.  One year, we were pretty positive a deer had walked across.  Raccoons used to be in the yard on the regular back in the day.  Also, huge male deer.  HUGE.  With antlers as wide as he was tall.  This house has always been.....rather "special" if that is a good word for it.

She plans to send her photo to a local news station.  G and I didn't try and stop her. We refused to give her our names. But I think it's easy enough to find on her own.

I also made another pot of Chicken Soup.  And today in the grocery ads I see Chicken thighs are 99 cents again.  I plan on getting TWO packages.  Stocking up the freezer.  I need all the pieces and parts for Chicken Soup.....onions, carrots, celery and noodles.  The Pantry shelves, Fridge and Freezer have gone bare. This is what happens, I guess, when one cooks........ ?????

That's it for today.....I might be making Basketball Pizza today.  And NOT watching a game. I watched a local girls high school game and the amount of unsportsmanlike conduct was enough to put me off basketball forever.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Field Notes- Saturday, March 18th- No Suns, Cold in the House. 43 degrees.

 Incident.  Don't know if that's the artist name or title of the work.  I would call it Boxed Universe.

My desk top calendar is almost full and it's only the 18th. I had quite a few large images to paste down this month.  And images of Chairs.  From magazines I got in the Free Magazine area @ the Library.  I cut them up for images.  It's more interesting visually if the monthly page has a "theme".

I have so many index cards to my left here on the desk.  I write stuff down on them and then secure the stack with a rubber band.  Months or weeks later I shuffle thru them and run the ones I will never read again thru the shredder.  I make a lot of shredded paper.  I used to shred the daily newspaper- Good DRY compost material.

The Compost Bins are my Enduring Passion from my Master Gardener Classes and my job at the Greenhouse.  It was my favorite class to teach.  My second favorite was Seed Starting. Third was Pruning.

The Greenhouse no longer has classes.  The Three Years (going on Four) of COVID taught the owners that the classes were NOT necessary to the business or it's profits......People came to the classes because they were LONELY and liked FREE coffee and cookies. They rarely bought anything. Sort of a Gardening AA Meeting. I was also pretty entertaining and made them laugh.

Sigh.  I had imagined teaching classes well into my 80's. Like Ed.  He was old and crazy and would walk up to me- in front of a class and just start "shooting the breeze" oblivious to the class sitting in rows behind him.  I wanted to be "Ed" in my 80's.... 

I tried very hard to eat enough food yesterday.  The fridge is pretty close to being EMPTY.  I am making another pot of Chicken Soup today.....husband said yes.  I have hardly anything made for myself.  Still some Baked Beans left- I could have that with Kraft Mac and Cheese. No Grilled Cheese.  I am OUT of Bread.  I do have all the Vegetables for Soup. This SHOULD be the month I eat soup. But...No.

I also have Yogurt, Bran Buds and Fresh Red Raspberries.  But that is COLD FOOD. Well, that's enough of whatever this Post is........March.  Not my Best Month.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Field Nores- Short Post. Cloudy with a chance of Sun.

 I feel like getting outside when the snow finally melts and picking up some sticks in the yard.  Letting them dry and then painting them to make a nice Bouquet.   I see the vase is a canning jar.

Lunch yesterday was quite wonderful, We covered quite a few topics.  The pittance of skilled people to replace my friend's leaking water heater........the major company providing that service to us for over 30 years was sold to a company in Pennsylvania.  And all the  repair people...well, there aren't any.......

I wonder who is actually fulfilling our annual service contracts???

I got up very late and took a shower......I am now very light headed and dizzy.  usually this means my blood sugar is off and I should eat something.  I just finished my oatmeal and have a half cup of coffee to finish.  I'm going to sit on the couch and rest.....until the spinning stops.

Sorry this post for today is so short.......

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Field Notes- Thursday, March 16th- I have on unmended pants and a never before worn LLBean Stripe top.


Sunshine off the snow is blinding.  Nothing happened yesterday. No Wind. No Rain.  No Ice. Just a big Weather Nothing.   Thank you Weather TV Broadcasting.  Power outages.  Nearby. Still.  37 degrees.

I checked the last 10 minutes of my recording of Never Been Kissed.  The end recorded. I then watched something else.  I can't remember what.  And finished reading Helen Hunting's newest book Make a Wish. which has nothing to do with Making a Wish and was tedious.......for a supposed Rom-Com. I liked most of her earlier books...... I'm not sure the guy in this romance was worth the Time or Trouble. And so much glitter.

And now....oddly enough...I want to look in the TiVo Movies I have stored and see if I have While You Were Sleeping.  It wasn't in the Christmas line up in December on cable.  Too Old.   I am just "feeling" like I want to watch it... after Make a Wish.

Oh...I remember what I watched......Will Trent.  And someone talked about the woman that Will wants to sleep with- and her name (in the tv series) is Angie.  If you have read the books- you know who Angie is and WHAT she is....... so, I am even less interested in the tv show. Now. I do like the guy (Will) though ....

So....I am going to Lunch Buddy Lunch today.  We are very excited.  To be getting out of our houses.

I am also "turning over a New Leaf" so to speak and have on UNMENDED clothing.  A new pair of black (for me years ago) cord pants and a LLBean black and white stripe half zip cotton pullover.  No mending.  I do have un-mended clothing.  I just like the old stuff better.  The pants I have been wearing, in the house, are so thin in the backside that all the corduroy has rubbed off.  Smooth and thin.  Just aching to shred.

It doesn't matter at home.....but going out I should wear pants with still viable corduroy on the backside.

I am wearing things that were always a bit too tight to be comfortable.  Now they are loose.  Either I am losing weight (not eating much).....or  "something" else is happening......but I feel I am not too concerned..  I am not liking this cotton top at all.  No matter how cute it is.  My neck and back feel cold.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Field Notes- Wednesday, March 15th. It SNOWED. And now we clean it up!!!

 It SNOWED.  I am so over this Winter Business.  Grumpy Face!!!!

In other news- I wanted to watch a 1999 movie Never Been Kissed on the E channel so I had to ferret my way into the TiVo and find the channel section and then find the channel and then click it "Live" so I could set and record this movie.  

In doing so, I have used up most of the Brain Capacity and Nervous Energy I started the day with........not all that much.

If you don't recall this movie- an adult newspaper reporter goes undercover as a student in high school. An adult woman who dresses like an idiot. Drew Barrimore.(excuse spelling)  Who can just rattle off poetry in her English Class...stunning her teacher....and here is what I like about this is the teacher- a guy-- now very very interested in the new student and finding this interest to be SO VERY WRONG. Because Student /Teacher...etc.

I enjoyed this movie very much but the ending was cut off- as it is so very often on recordings. anyway.  I am hoping it isn't cut off today.  And seeing what is being offered going forward of E!- I will more than likely go back into Channels and delete it after I have a recording of this movie. Or I will just watch it live.  GACK.  Watching all the commercials might kill me.  Another movie today..Easy A.

The BIG STORM continues but not right here...not right now..... as with all Weather Channel reporting. And it's actually been around 40 degrees during the entire snow storm....weird. Storm Food Yesterday was Chicken Soup for Him and Fake Saucepan Baked Beans and Grilled Cheese Sandwich for ME. YUM.

Tomorrow is Lunch Buddy Lunch.  Eggplant Parm and WINE.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Field Notes- Tuesday, March 14th. Clouds, Wet Snow, 40 degrees. Snow melts as it hits the ground.

 This is how I feel most days. 

The wet snow is falling but melting on contact with the ground.   Birds are hanging out in the trees near the feeder. Ice in the birdbaths is partially melted.  So they are getting a drink but no one is taking a bath.

I need to turn on the lights.

The book I am reading is not really holding my attention.  It needed at least two more revisions. It's about two child tv stars all grown up and just admitting they like each other enough to perhaps kiss???  It was on the "new" shelf- Built to Last by Erin Hahn.  It would be a popular Hallmark Movie.  The plot lines would slot nicely with the commercial breaks.  There's been one guilty kiss.

Nora Goes off Script- or what ever it was called- was about a woman who wrote for the Hallmark Channel. She went thru the sequence of events that are the building blocks of a Hallmark movie. This book "Built to Last" has all of that...... A Hallmark Script is like one of those word puzzles where you fit words into the open spaces.  A job. A guy. A girl.  A problem.  An event.  A misunderstanding. etc etc.

News bulletin.  I stopped watching Hallmark after the Christmas Movies were finished. Yep. Cold Turkey.

Oddly enough, I don't miss it at all.  I also stopped watching the Sports Talk Shows.  They stopped being fun and they didn't do the Christmas Carols thing...which I loved.  So..I quit them. Next thing to let go of will be Law and Order.  Then what????  Well, I have Whole bunch of PBS mystery series stock piled in the TiVo Little Women and some others.  British stuff.  I should get one of the services that just do British series.  Watch them.  Or go back to Netflix.....they always had dark, non English speaking murders happening.  It's been awhile since I watched episode after episode after episode..............

Or I'll just read...I have SEVEN books on the pile..... and we'll be "at home" until the storm passes.

Husband has a fresh pot of Chicken Soup and four Chicken Parm Dinners.  Plenty of noodles. A new puzzle.  Let it Snow..........

Monday, March 13, 2023

Field Notes- Monday, March 13th. Cloudy with a chance of Storms tomorrow.

 I watched Arrival yesterday.  I actually saw it in a movie theater years ago- I went by myself.  I would have stayed to see it again when the film came to the end...... there is just something about it........but I felt like I had to get home.....I wish I had stayed.  I now have it recorded in the TiVo.

After that movie ....came an Avenger's movie.  Where they failed and just went home to be regular people. What they did to Helmsworthy was stunningly odd. Beer belly and old woman boobs and long greasy hair.  Even when dressed in his space suit- still fat.  I liked the new Hulk.  He wasn't green. Wore glasses. I watched until I got bored.  Which wasn't all that long.

I am bored.  Of each day.  Of each week.  Of each month.... Of each Year.  I've been bored ever since I stopped working. I am annoyed with every task I have here at the house.  Every Task.

My days, my weeks, my months are all the same......all boring.  I have chores to do but...I can't make myself be interested enough to begin.  I know once I begin- I will get into the job and eager to finish it. But I can't make myself start....I do make an effort to wash clothes.  The Washing Machine Pages help.

I did find a broom and swiped a web off the the living room ceiling.

I'm reading a book... I never would have thought I would's about a women's church group.  Instead of a cookbook (the neighboring BIG church is writing one) they decided to do an A is for........ about love and romance.  It's actually more about attraction, kindness and love.  It's not all churchy.....and there are big things being tackled.  Dementia is one thing.  Abuse is another.  Drug/alcohol addiction is another. And as people start writing things changes them.  Makes them more open and kind to each other.  Open.  Opening ourselves to new ideas and possibilities.  Last Circle of Love.  Lorna Landvik

So a Movie. A Book Report. An Admission of being sad and bored.  I might return to Will Trent even though the motorcycle gang story put me off. I returned that book. Unfinished.  

U is for Unfinished.  Feeling that way about myself. Or Incomplete.  That might be a better word.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Field Notes- Sunday, March 12th. We haven't Sprung Ahead as YET, Sunshine, 40 degrees.

 Irish Soda Bread.  Our grocery store carries quite a few of the King Arthur Specialty Flours.  I'll see if they have the Irish Style Flour. And I'll need raisins.  Soaked in Brandy.

We visited Ireland once.  Husband and I were visiting friends  (Americans) who lived and worked there. McDonald's was moving into Ireland.  I was propositioned for "bottom bondage" in an Irish Cemetery. Our friends said....only Joanne would be propositioned for bottom bondage in a cemetery.  I had to ask what bottom bondage was........of the guy asking......I cannot believe myself sometimes...he was more embarrassed than I was...until I found out what he was asking....still interested in asking.........

sigh. As Tricia said later..."can't even take her to a cemetery".

I guess this might be the reason they kept me they'd have stories to tell about me in Future Times.

I did buy a very cute tea set- little cottages that were the teapot, sugar, cream etc. Somewhere up in the Attic. With the Swedish cut crystal champagne flutes. I waited to see if anything embarrassing  happened in Sweden (before continuing to type).  Nothing that I remember.  

I did get propositioned often in Europe.....there must have been some vibe I was giving off.  Never in America (but American women were imagined to be very "free", I guess?). Men sent over glasses of wine in restaurants.  The women I was having lunch with would say "do you know him?" and I would say.  No.  (my best pal said I should have shocked them by saying- "not yet")

I no longer have that effect on men. But then I hardly go anywhere these days and I dress like a "Bag Lady" according to my friend Patricia.  I guess I could put more effort into my appearance??????

Wow, this post went off the rails........Joanne.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Field Notes- Cloudy with a chance of something awful- like RAIN. It feels really cold.

 My favorite GreenFood.  Romaine.  Been quite a long time since I actually saw one this nice at the local grocery.  I chop them up and top with hot pulled pork, yellow cheese and sour cream. BBQ Salad. Bountiful Large Salad Bowl.  Usually they come in a 3 pack and I use all three for ONE salad.

I have one Baked Potato left to eat.  Loaded up with sour cream, cheddar cheese and BUTTER. If I had Pulled Pork I would add that to the potato. But I have no Southern Meat in the Fridge. Yesterday I had a Cold Supper of Honey Yogurt, Bran Buds and Big Fat Lovely Red Raspberries.  I was wrapped in my Down Comforter but still felt a chill.

I can actually SEE myself adding Pulled Pork to most every thing.

 I took the sheets off the bed.  So, Washing Machine Pages with a scarf around my neck to hold in any warmth........and a hat?

I have the sheets to wash.  And the mattress to spin.  And then sheets on the bed.  Etc etc.........After that I intend to do "not much of anything".  Oh...I do have Daughter's Work Pants to Mend... Knees. But the Sewing Room is only slightly warmer than the bathroom/washing machine room........Why you ask?

Because heating oil is $850 a pop so the rooms we are not in all day- don't get as much heat. At times the bill is four digits. $1150.  And YOU THOUGHT MAINE WAS A GREAT PLACE TO VACATION??? Well, it August.  And ONLY in August.  When it gets up to 104 degrees.  Well, it used to.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Field Notes- Friday, March 10th- Sunshine, melting snow, ice covered steps.

 Andre da Loba (he's on Insta)  (I'm not)

Paid Bills.   Ate Breakfast.  Dropped off heating oil bill at the company office ( behind the grocery store).  Mailing to Pennsylvania seems idiotic. Also stamp needed.  Returned the Will Trent book with him in a motorcycle gang (I gave up).  Got two new books.  Orange Juice and more Cookies for husband.  Can't have enough cookies........ we are breaking our rule of only going to the grocery ONCE a week- on Monday.

But the cookies might cheer him up...he's been making a few mistakes lately and it's getting him depressed. I now have more things to what Time is it?  I now put reminders on the dining room TV so he knows when his programs are on.....he still forgets to watch them.

Chipped ice off the front steps....the roof is still covered in snow and the sun melts it and overnight it freezes.  Our Banker picked up the Taxes 8am.  He'll drop if off when he's done.  

Husband watched Battle of the Bots last night and I watched this big truck rescue show (Canadian)... One of the chains let go and almost injured one of the guys. I hope to never drive the 401. I also watched Law and Order Criminal Intent.  Jeff Goldblum.  He looked like he was having fun. 

I was taking a break from MSNBC.  I refuse to share any of my brain with Trump or Carlson. It's a new plan and it seems to be working.

Two of the new books got me back to making copies of the covers for my guy at Gulf Of Maine Books.  right in Town.  For when I do some walking.  For when the streets and sidewalks are nice and dry.

The computer seems to be talking to the printer again......I have no idea how that happened.  Perhaps the long rest period of not using the printer woke up the computer link?  I might try and send something to the printer........might.  Well, I have "other" things to do...... nothing important.....

Thursday, March 09, 2023

Field Notes- Thursday, March 9th. 44, Cloudy with a Chance of Rain. Still an abundance of snow on the ground.

 Wooden  Bird People by Andre da Loba

I am trying to do better at getting the artist's name here on the blog. You know I love Chicken Art.

I made another pot of soup (chicken) for husband yesterday as I watched MSNBC discuss Fox and the latest court fillings.  Rupert is "gonna have to make a choice".......his business OR the asshat.(s).

I am up in the Air regarding what the guy will choose.  His newspeople have made it clear they are absolutely FINE with either choice (and will dump trump).  How's that for loyalty to Mr T?  Who, I might just have to say- is looking really LARGE these days and what color IS his Hair??? And how does he get it to fold over itself like that??????

I did TWO LOADS of wash yesterday and COULD have done a third if I had wanted to change the bed sheets.  I'll change them today.  I have a book waiting for me at the library.  My best favorite author's newest.   I am so very very excited.  And the photocopier has I can start making copies of the covers of books I want the Local Bookseller to order.  I was waiting for my $450 check from the Government.  Daughter got hers......last week.

Who knew getting a fresh black ink cartridge would make such a BIG change in my Attitude????

Peculiar British News.  Now that Charles is King --Harry's kids are Prince and Princess but how do they explain his brother's kids being born as Prince Louie etc etc etc.....tell me how both are true.huh?

Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Field Notes- Tuesday and Wednesday- March 7 and 8. Mea Culpa. My Apologies.

 So........I called the company that manages the stock we own.  The automated person gave me the info I wanted- many tries- and then I got a HUMAN and she hung up on me. Compu-serve?

So...a delightful start.  Then daughter arrived and we inserted the new ink cartridge into the old printer.  We both learned some new to us Croatian words.  Because the printer only speaks Croatian.  Refuses to return to English.  I went on the Internet to translate the words.  It's always FUN to learn a new language.

Not.  So Not Fun.

We copied.  Her stuff.  Our stuff.  I sorted thru the bags of paper in the dresser drawer.  I got to shred two full bags (2021).....will be emptied into the compost pile....... but my part of TAXES is DONE.  Fertig.  Finished. As soon as the 2022 taxes are complete I will....probably won't..... shred 2022.  Might still need to prove something to someone....Might wait....

A lawyer told me- having NO paperwork is sometimes the best way to go. Like pleading the 5th.

I also asked a question of our Financial Adviser (for our son) and then inserted that info into an email via cell phone to my son in California.  I felt like I was doing Brain Surgery.  The information was exactly what our son needed was worth it.  And perhaps I learned how to do something...I might never actually do again. I hope...

I am going to bed around 10:30 or 11pm each night, feel like I have slept FOREVER and waking to find it's not even 8 am.  Day after Day.  It's really weird.  

I have to do the laundry. I have run out of underwear.  Supposed to rain or snow today.  I think we have enough if the Climate asks for my opinion.  Squirrel Tracks across the house roof. In the snow.  

I bought Bosc Pears.  Peeled and sliced...delicious.  I will buy more.

Monday, March 06, 2023

Field Notes- Monday, March 6th. Sunshine, 42 degrees, where the snow wasn't shoveled- ice.

 Lady bug. Snow drop.

We ventured out.  My son made fun of my homemade cloth an email.

He said it wasn't good enough.  Well, I disagree.  Everyone on this street with those expensive masks...has gotten COVID.  Not once but some have gotten it twice. Across the street- three times. She wiped her mail and groceries down with alcohol wipes...... They don't ALWAYS wear a mask.  I do. So, I feel righteous in my indignation.  My "homemade" cloth mask is just fine after THREE YEARS of wear and washing between uses with Dawn and hot water. The cloth has a very tight weave. It holds water when I rinse it.

And, really, if he was THAT worried- buy some of the good paper ones...send them.  Mail goes both ways. I am more than a bit.....unkind today.  I did buy a few groceries that are just for me. Cinnamon Raisin Bagels- the soft ones- I like them toasted with cream cheese. I also got apples.  And more Tangerines.

I have been putting one nice shiny Tangerine on husband's coloring table every afternoon.  He has been eating them....

Chicken Thighs- were 99 cents a pound again. I only got one package.  I could have gotten more and packed the Chicken Thigh Shelf in my freezer......but he may NOT want Chicken Soup in the coming months or years.......the first couple of pots of soup were made with "when ever" frozen thighs. Packed air tight in freezer bags.......then the shelf was empty.  I usually buy the six pack.  Two pots of soup.

Staples.  I really hate that store.  They had three was UPS another was seated and older than me..  I got a box of pens- G10 so  the ink prints fat and juicy.  A large college ruled composition notebook.  I am thinking I might write a book.   Everyone has at least one in them..right?  But I might just write washing machine pages.  That might be a book. Heavily edited. Husband got a very expensive package of multi colored pens........for his coloring book work.

I had taken a photo of the inner workings of the Printer and actually carried the thousand pound (feels like) iPhone with me to Staples and matched the photo with the items on the shelving.  Husband was, of course, selecting the wrong one.  Wrong size and one with colored ink.  Nothing needs colored ink.  Black.  Black as my Heart.

I have a very full basket of husband's clothing in the shower...wanting to be washed.  He drops off every item of clothing he wears after using the snowblower.  They all smell of gasoline. He smells like gasoline.

I missed Trump at CPAC.  I wasn't watching TV yesterday. I'll watch today- Law and Order.

Sunday, March 05, 2023

Field Notes- Sunday, March 5th. Bright Sunshine, 40 degrees about 10 inches of snow. Yesterday.

 Another photo of the Crab Tree.  Loaded with snow.  Right after I took this the power went out.  Husband decided to take nap and I added a second layer of down comforter.  Power came on Just in Time for our 3pm meal (so was off about 4 hours).  He had soup and I had hotdogs. And the furnace worked overtime to warm up the house.

I managed to get husband to wait till this morning to do the snow blowing.  He's out back shoveling the deck without a's in the 40's ---which, here in Maine, is considered really WARM. For March. Husband thinks we got somewhere around 10 inches of snow. This is a Man Measurement.  The shrubs have about that much sitting on top of them.  The poor Rhododendrons.  (spelling) are heavily weighed down with snow caps.  We'll see if they can make flowers....after freezing repeatedly.

Even though it's the usual temp for the house- it feels cold today. 65.

The Sun reflecting off the snow is blinding.

The Sunday Paper was dull.  I am guessing not much is happening.  I only got five numbers in the Daily Sudoko Puzzle.  So, it's not going to be a real "smart" day for me.  The two words I put into the crossword puzzle were close but wrong.  So I stopped.

I'm going to stop typing.  It's that sort of day.  The blinding white snow hurts my eyes and possibly is hurting my brain as well.  The Will Trent book I am reading has not captured my attention as the previous books's going back and forth from present to 1970's.  When I lived there. Around Atlanta. Maynard Jackson.  Those Times.  When you never actually wanted to drive into Atlanta proper.  Ever.

Saturday, March 04, 2023

Field Notes- Saturday, March 4. Snowing. Power Outage. We're Okay.

 How I feel about the Winter Storm.

The power came back on about 5 minutes ago- I hurried to make hot water and have a nice LARGE HOT cup of Tea.  I have an extra down comforter on top of husband- he is taking a nap on his couch.

The Furnace is running.....trying to warm up the house.  A Neighbor thinks Power will be coming and going as the snow starts melting- 40 degrees on the porch thermometer- and getting heavier on the lines. The STATE of MAINE could save tons of money- just by putting the power lines underground.  The newer housing area do have underground power lines.  I wonder if they are then connected to the pole at the end of the street????  

We should move to a Smarter State.   As soon as Winter is over- I am getting a Whole House Generator installed.  I can call now to make an appointment.  I will. Get on the list.  Good Selling Point. 

Husband went to sleep because he was upset the power was off and he would NOT be able to heat up his bowl of Chicken Soup.  I was kinda thinking about my hot dogs.......for my lunch. So I felt his pain.

I have a good book going.  So the Time went fast.  Twins Dad invited us over if we got too cold.  Great but how would we get there?  Sidewalks and road is covered in deep snow.  Neighbor is waiting till morning to clear his driveway.  My husband will want to get right on's the way he is. It's why I have zero conversations about things that need fixing. He breaks or looses parts to anything he tries to fix.  Why we only go to the store and library one day a week.  Lots of Limits.

I try to limit the trouble he can create.  I am rarely as successful as I try to be.  I was happy he decided to take a nap.  Happy. He is sleeping.  Am I a bad person?  Or just a person who has hit her limit on how much I can take in a day??????  Hot Tea.  Gotta drink it.

He woke up......wants to go out and run the snowblower......what a TOOL.

Friday, March 03, 2023

Field Notes- Friday, March 3rd. 40's, Very Warm (for a Mainer) with Bright Blue Sky and Sunshine.

 Have you seen this before?  Well, see it again.  I am pretty "high strung" right now.  too many moving pieces and I feel caffeinated.  Buzzed. But I haven't had any caffeine.  

Too many things.  Stress levels etc.  I am finding it difficult to settle.

Taxes.  I guess that's what it is...  once I hand them off to the Banker...I relax.  then get nervous again when he hands them back.....and I have to do that thing mailing them at the post office......I am just getting too old for all of this "Business" stuff.   I need a cupcake.

I did go on the (internets) and look for Cup Cake.  Little single serving "cakes" one makes in a cup.  I have everything I need to make Vanilla, Chocolate and Cinnamon Bun "Cakes".  And I think there was one for  a Cheesecake Cup also. So I bought cream cheese.  Looking forward to a cup full of CAKE.

We went to the Library to pick up books and then I stopped into the Grocery.  Very very busy with every one seeming to be buying BOOZE for the upcoming two day STORM EVENT coming over night tonight.  Yes, Blue Sky and 40 today.  Like a Bizzilian Inches of Snow and Ice Tomorrow..  I really hate Winters in Maine. I am starting to really Hate Maine......Like all the time, now.

Right now it's warm enough to not need a heavy coat, gloves or a hat..... Do need Sunglasses.

The Banker who does our taxes sent an email. Sent my blood pressure rocketing. Just asking if I had my paperwork ready........I so, DO NOT.........  oh, I So DO NOT...... I just want to climb into bed, pull the covers over my head.........just not have to do anything for anyone.........I want to be one of those women who don't have a care in the world.......instead of the one collecting paper to do taxes.

The SOUP I made husband yesterday is "the best soup ever" according to him.  

I bought hotdogs and buns for myself today.........looking forward to dinner.  I have relish.  It's going to be awesome.

Thursday, March 02, 2023

Field Notes- Thursday March 2nd. Snowing. Again. Wet and slippery.......

 Took a chance the camera would send...and got this photo of the crab tree to the left of my front door- looking out.  That "fence" is to keep the deer out from under the tree where we have planted Hosta.  Like a Deer Salad Bar.  Live and Learn?  No...I knew they would try their best to eat the Hosta. Fence or No Fence.

Got my hair cut.  We were going two other places but the roads hadn't been cleared and it was that in between temp- not freezing but just cold enough.  Slippery. I assume the plow trucks were on the highways.  Which makes me..............glad to be home.

I have a new, fresh pot of Chicken Soup on the stove.  Husband was out.  I am really quite happy he is eating soup this Winter......last year he absolutely refused....and the soup went into the compost pile. Not the chicken thighs.....Just the broth and vegetables.  No meat or dairy in the compost....Ever.

I am reading Undone.  The spine of the book has a "First in Series" sticker.  I question that...... yet another sexual pervert.......that and meth labs.  Atlanta.  Perhaps after we had moved to Florida? Though I do recall bodies on the sidewalks in downtown Atlanta.  Overdoses.  Will Trent.  He had to go down into a dirt pit in the woods. He was as excited about it as I would have been........ Sara was in the ER with the victim.

I was never quite SURE about the Atlanta  Police or even the Fort Lauderdale Police back in those days. They all looked pumped up on steroids and they wore reflective black sun you never got a good look at their eyes. And the first qualification for employment was to be well over six feet tall. I never got pulled over (for going too slow) but I saw plenty of people who did ..... get pulled out of cars and "patted" down. Roughly.

Anyway....more women being found close to death. In the book.  Not here.  

Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Field Notes- Wednesday, March First. Lots of dry light SNOW. Blinding Sun. Deer Tracks.

 A small pile of green scraps that I picked out of the tub in the sewing room.

I go down the sewing room....just to look around.  Not to actually stay there as I have the heat set to sleeping temp and not sitting around by the sewing machine temp.  We sleep under a deluxe down comforter.  I don't sew wearing the same ...... why heat a set of rooms we are not inhabiting?

Doing the wash is chilling enough.

As to the Yard Tracks- I saw the actual deer yesterday for the first time.  They are cold and hungry.  They must have come off the island when we were having that strange stretch of warm days.  Now...they are stuck here with little in the way of food...other than what they can steal out of the bird feeders.

The yard is a maze of tracks.

Husband is reading the paper and finishing breakfast--slowly--as the next thing to do is snowblower the driveway.  While he actually likes snowblowing...he doesn't like being cold.  When he comes in- after- he'll roll up into the couch down lap blanket and take a nap.

I finished the Horrific Blindsighted.  Am now reading a YA (Young Adult) book titled "Better Than The Movies".  It's about two high school kids living next door to each other. He likes her- she thinks she doesn't like him. Lynn Painter.  I read her one adult fiction book and liked it.  I am liking this YA one also. As a "girl" who might still be having regrets about high school even at 76.......these high school books are fun. Reminding me..if I had tried a bit...I might have had fun, too.  

I don't go to reunions.  There was a point in TIME when I could have gone......but that passed and now..? I managed to see most everyone at 21 when we all registered to the same place. I was gobsmacked at how many of the "popular girls" had TWO kids. OMG!!!!!!  Not surprised they had one as most had been VERY pregnant at the Christmas concert following our June graduation.  Prom Babies. At the Voter Sign up they actually looked like they wanted to kill those of us without a kid hanging off our knees.  The guys who showed up.....looked worn out........depressed.  Vietnam.  

One guy.  We always were seated next to each other in study halls.  Alphabetically. For all the years of high school.  He was there. I actually had to have a friend make sure I didn't go over and give him a hug. He looked worn out and sad. Oddly brother used to ask me about this 20 years after high school.  

The printer works.  It's out of INK.  Still speaking Croatian.  Not English.  Very happy.