Tuesday, September 30, 2014
It's Always Some Kind Of Problem
I saw this delightful picture of cats doing Physics equations while the child is adding up legs and hands. It feels like that some days.
The number on the scale went back to 2 this morning. (expletive)
I cut off all the bad parts of the remaining tomatoes. Roasted half as a rough pasta sauce and made the rest into Tomato Basil Soup for G. I also cored the last few red bell peppers and roasted them.
The Vitamix is here and I am using it to make cucumber, lemon, ginger water. The machine completely changes the items into a pale green water. No solids. Tasty when I get the lemon part just right. And when I remember to toss the foam. Foam equals ICK. Entire cucumber (peeled is best), entire half of lemon without peel. Ginger with peel. Using the cucumber with peel makes a very green liquid. Not awful but more bitter than I like. Or enjoy drinking. 54 ounces.
I don't think cucumber water is enough of a use to justify the cost of the machine.
Drinking that much cucumber water makes me feel woozy, wobbly and needing protein.
I must (MUST the teens at work shout!) join Pinterest so I can find better Vitamix Recipes.
I'm thinking of making the Tortilla Soup. But I have no corn chips. The Teens would be horrified.
I am also freezing banana chunks in case I decide to have a Banana Strawberry Smoothie. The Teens at work say "it's awesome and I will love it". The Teens are taking me under their wings. I'll be wearing Converse high tops any day now.
I think I will go with the soup (I can hear the Teens cheering). Making it either the old fashioned way (BOO!!!) or in the Vitamix. I saw a tip that said to use hot water to shorten the blending time. Six minutes of that very loud motor would hurt Riley's ears. And without corn chips. I'll add black beans. At the very end.
What a boring few days.
Monday, September 29, 2014
The Internet Kicked Me To The Curb
It was that kind of week. Friday afternoon I lost the internet and, I guess, the router. We now have a new one and I am trying to catch up on all I missed in four days.
Fall is here in Maine. The tree in front of my friend's house (down the street) is a brilliant RED!!! Can't miss it. Our oaks are dropping leaves but the maples are holding out. G says it's usually the other way around. At work we are having the parking lot dug up to install drainage so the store doesn't fill with water when the snow melts. Let's just say that Thursday was "something else" with cars, trucks, tractors (at least two) and everything else looking for a spot of driveway--all at the same time and employees hoping no one fell into a ditch.
G is back from his visit to his brother's home. He had a really, really nice time. I hope he makes it an annual or every couple year thing. I have email addresses for family members wanting recipes. That sounds like fun. Riley and I enjoyed our time together as well and got back to that "special" relationship we had when G was still working. I love that sweet dog. And it was good to have G back home. We both missed him.
The garden is closing itself up. A few onions, one cabbage, the brussels sprouts and the red onions. G says the raspberries were a bit "moldy" when he went out to pick. I hope he's wrong. I also have jalapeños out there. I'm hoping, if they stay out there longer, they will be hotter than the last batch I picked.
Well, that's all for now. I need to eat something. And, in diet news, the first number in my weight has changed from a 2 to a 1. Made me very happy this morning. The number I saw flicker by 6 days ago is now here for good. Slow but sure. Anyway. That's what I hope it is.
Oh, and welcome to new Readers (and family) who chose to visit. 300 a day according to Blogger.
Now, if you would all send a comment--you know, to test the new router. LOL
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
A New Idea For The Carpenter If He Ever Comes Back
The layout would solve the "problem" of adding a shower to a bathroom that doesn't have a shower, but does have a washer and dryer. I like the big glass door. And the open shelving that keeps all the bathroom crap--well, somewhere else. Two nice stacks of white towels (the only color they should come in) is "just right". We'll need two sinks. G says he is using this bathroom if it gets a shower. I was kind of hoping it would be all mine. Like it is now.
My Vitamix arrived (5 days early). As usual, all the things I thought I wanted to make in it--well, now that it's here with the recipe books, I can see why I didn't make anything last time. Anyone reading this have one? Want to share a couple of "beginner" recipes with me? I saw a soup on Food52 that I think could be made in the Vitamix. Just toss it all (except for cheese) into the thing and let it go for 5 minutes till it's hot. Then add cheese and a few corn chips.
I need to go shopping if I make a smoothie. No bananas and no apples. And I think they put celery in all of them also. None of that here either. I could make a kale, cabbage and blueberry smoothie. Not in the book but it's what I have on hand. Pin Interest has lots of recipes but I'm not a member.
I also think I have the stuff to make the Tortilla Soup. Which would be nice, maybe.
I froze the remainder of the pork. Will be eating the rest of the sauerkraut for dinner. Didn't get the pot roast in the oven (which was a mistake) and now I have to worry about it's sell or freeze by date.
Walked with Riley this morning and got lost. I finally asked him to take me home and he did. Who is walking whom?????? And I need to find out how to set the alarm so I can get up for work tomorrow.
In case anyone cares, I am wearing something I put into the "Medium Box of Clothing" this Spring. It's an XL Bean fleece--a light one. And I am reminded of feeling like a sausage in it's casing the last time I tried to wear it. Today? Just perfect. Sort of a citrus lemon lime color. Good for getting lost in the woods. A Bean XL can be anything from a size 12 to a size 18. You just never know. Yes, dear Readers, in some fashion houses a 12 is very nearly plus size. Thus--XL.
The two zip front vests in a pretty green and baby blue are also able to be zipped. And worn. Too bad the scale isn't getting the same message as the clothes. But I'll take what I can get and be happy.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
I don't know if this is something I think of as Autumn begins. Life. How to live. How to be happy in one's own skin. It isn't always easy. Well, it's not actually easy at all.
When did it become "natural" for humans to "want" so much? When I watch Father Brown set in the 195o's and people "packed" everything they owned into the tiniest of suitcases. We pack more to go to work each day. Well, I do. Water, cup, coffee, banana, jacket, extra socks, pills, lunch, wallet.
So much stuff.
G is going to visit his brother and I am going to be the dog's companion for a few days. Riley will be missing his man. I am moving all library books, catalogs and magazines to high places. Riley "shreds" when he gets anxious.
I clean. Today I attacked the orchid table. Mealy bugs. I sprayed, washed and sprayed again. All the leaves, the pots, the sticks, the trays, the table, the window and the windowsills. I even found mealy bugs on the bottom of the insecticide bottle. So many bugs.
Then I washed the clothes I had on, the towels and myself.
My rash seems to be getting better. Zyrtec. Chamomile soap. Burt's Bees Hand Salve on my face.
No itching. No red rash. No swelling. Fingers crossed it stays this way.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Pumpkin Time
Either you are buying Pumpkin Lattes from Starbucks or you are drinking Pumpkin Ale. But not me. I even chatted with a woman in line at Walmart regarding the Libby's boxes of Pumpkin Bread Kits in her cart. She laughed and admitted it's the only way she can make bread. If Libby stops making it--well, she hopes they never do. My grocery doesn't carry the "kits". Does yours?
My eyes are burning. That nasty rash is back and it didn't have anything to do with the retail job of last Fall. There must be something in the air that I just don't get along with. Rubbing my eyes feels so good---but then it itches 1,000 times more when I stop. I have been going to bed with a cold wet compress on my eyes. And my hands tightly clenched.
I bought a package of Zyrtec to try. The Benadryl wasn't working.
I have MS's Southern Pulled Pork in the oven roasting. I went to the grocery and the meat looked good so I am cooking meat this week. A very nice pot roast on Tuesday. I got everything prepped and in the oven before taking my allergy tablet. I also have a French Cabbage Soup recipe to try. I ate the last of the Italian Carrot Soup yesterday at work.
It's very humid here in Maine. No sun. I am glad I worked yesterday and have today off.
Last night, as I was clicking thru the channels (trying) to find something to watch, I caught the very first 5 minutes of QVC's presentation on the new short Vitamix. AND it came with the $144 dry blade and jar--free. So I ordered it. I chose the brown Espresso unit. The dry blade and canister means I can grind nuts, grains and anything else into "flour" for use in gluten free recipes. I can make oil, sugar and salt free peanut butter. G wants to make 6 minute soups. The short machine fits under the cabinets. The one I bought (and returned unused in 30 days) was the tall model, no dry blade and stainless. It just wasn't the right time for it.
I am going to try the margarita mix with one peeled orange, one peeled lime and one peeled lemon. And I may finally try a smoothie. And one of the caller said she made the marinara sauce. And it was so delicious she canned 80 jars of it already. I am going to try that.
G is enjoying the Blueberry Jam I made for him. Sigh. That means he'll eat his way thru the 8 pint jars. I gave number 9 to a co-worker and she opened it and tried a spoonful and swooned. She has quite a sweet tooth (like G) and sprinkled two packs of sugar on her slice of birthday pie. To make it extra sweet.
My son called me for my birthday and I took advantage and talked to him for almost 2 hours. Thank you sweetie!!! You sounded so happy--it made me happy.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Today's My Birthday
And I had a fantastic day. I bought a big triple chocolate cake for my fellow employees and someone sweet tied a birthday balloon to my locker. My face got tired because of all the smiling.
G and our daughter took me to a Mexican restaurant for a margarita and nachos. Just what I wanted. We got there just as traffic was getting heavy and when we left people were on the sidewalk with little timers--waiting. Just right.
On the way home my daughter and I thought about which of the 12 places we've lived-- that we still think about. I mentioned one house (#11) that I still visit in my memory and walk through the rooms. My daughter says the people who live there now must think the place is haunted.
It was a nice thing to do.
So, I had a very nice birthday. G bought me a peach and raspberry pie because he thought a pie was better for my diet than a cake. Guys!!!
G and our daughter took me to a Mexican restaurant for a margarita and nachos. Just what I wanted. We got there just as traffic was getting heavy and when we left people were on the sidewalk with little timers--waiting. Just right.
On the way home my daughter and I thought about which of the 12 places we've lived-- that we still think about. I mentioned one house (#11) that I still visit in my memory and walk through the rooms. My daughter says the people who live there now must think the place is haunted.
It was a nice thing to do.
So, I had a very nice birthday. G bought me a peach and raspberry pie because he thought a pie was better for my diet than a cake. Guys!!!
Monday, September 15, 2014
It's Our Anniversary
Forty Six Years. And people who know us said we'd kill each other sooner rather than later. Well, we're both still alive and we had dinner together this evening.
Life is such a surprise. You think you are heading somewhere and then, 46 years later, you realize you went somewhere else (entirely) and...... it turned out to be better than anything you ever thought would happen. Even the bad parts you never thought you would live through--- well, they led you to the good parts, eventually. And would we have appreciated the good things if we hadn't suffered the bad things? I think not. I miss the people (friends) we left behind or lost completely by moving 12 times. I would have liked to have had them with me for the entire lifetime. I would have liked sitting down with them in another 20 years to tell stories and be reminded of the (our) past.
But I have you. We haven't (all) been together for years and years, but some of you have been along since the 1980's (Marianne), and earlier (my children), but as long as there is Blogger I will be writing and sharing with you. Telling stories. Sharing memories. Laughing. Crying. Etc.
And who would have imagined that back in 1968?
Saturday, September 13, 2014
A Hiccup In The Road
My PT has ended and my knee and hip pain return. It's not that the PT was doing anything I could notice. And I did wear a new pair of shoes to work two days in a row. And I have been joining the dog on his morning walks (on uneven forest paths). Add it all together and it's not surprising that I would be having trouble. I tend to think of this blog as a journal of sorts so I will write this to remind myself.
I have a the link to the 10x10 art show. There are over 100 entries and mine will be way at the end in the S's. The sale itself will occur on September 26th. I am wondering at the way I trimmed my pieces. Leaving more space on the right than the left. Oh, and if you click on the images, they appear in another window, much large and clearer. In the one I can see that there was some additional texture in the painted background fabric to add interest. Perhaps that was why? I just don't know. Next year I may do pastels or just go ahead and paint. I do know how to paint.
The mums and asters are coming in by the cartful as people switch out their annuals for fall mums. The hay and straw bales are piled up. Could pumpkins and Halloween be far away??? Christmas hasn't arrived at my workplace yet, but I see it everywhere else.
The September full (super) moon brought freezing temps to the north western part of Maine. I have already started wearing a sweater and socks-- not everyday, but some of them. Today, my day off it's cold, I intend to go foraging in the garden for tomatoes and peppers (I think the peppers are done) and pull the red onions. G was grilling a steak a few days ago and I had him throw a few peppers and the remainder of of oriental eggplant (long thin) on the grill to char. I had the peppers and eggplant in an omelet for supper.
When did we stop eating meals together? When I stopped eating what could be called "a meal".
I am trying to continue drinking the cucumber slices, lemon and mint water but it has NEVER tasted as good as the first batch. Not cucumber-y enough. That first cucumber must have been the best one I owned. I was compelled to drink more and more water with the first batch. Now I am forcing myself to drink.
I cleaned out the "new" fridge's freezer in anticipation of the loaner fridge going back to Loew's. Got rid of things that had been in there over a year. Last summer's blueberries. I don't have space for this summer's blueberries so I am making blueberry jam with most of the berries I froze. G thinks he might eat it. (might) My figs haven't ripened and the cooler weather isn't helping. I might suggest dragging the tree and pot into the sunporch. But we might lose the figs while dragging the very heavy pot into the house. I also have more tomatoes to deal with and I have to decide whether I am planting garlic this fall. I don't use much garlic. I think it makes people stink.
I have two zucchini which I will be making into fritters. The last of them. And I will be slicing cucumbers for the very last of the cucumber and sour cream salads. I think we have enough of everything to make one final caprese salad with tomatoes, mozzarella and toasted baguette. A very busy day in the kitchen. Saturday ends up being an all day cooking day. Some sort of pasta ends up being our evening meal, depending on what I have from the garden that needs using up--pronto.
And then I need to start closing down the garden. I still have green beans and October raspberries to look forward to (sans yellow jackets) and the B. sprouts but the rest needs pulling and carting to the compost bin. Too soon the garden will be covered in snow.
The diet has stalled once again. My clothes are looser. I am calling it a "win".
Tuesday, September 09, 2014
I Never Know Where I Am Going & Top Ten
Even as I select photos for the top of each post. I think the image I selected has hanging light fixtures I am fond of right now. I wonder where one finds them?
One...I have to clean up my reading list in the sidebar. Not what I am interested in right now.
My interests seem to fade. I really like something and then over time, while I am not paying attention, I find I really don't care anymore for that "thing". I liked kale for awhile but now that it is growing in my garden, I couldn't care less.
Two...I think I am at the point where I need to decide if I want to keep working full time, go to part time, stop, or find a new job. I absolutely love my job when I am busy helping customers. But we don't have as many customers. And that's the rub.
Three... I followed a co worker's instruction for a Detox drink. Water, sliced cucumbers, lemons and mint. Drinking water isn't something I take to easily. But this stuff is easy to drink for some reason. I have had 64 ounces a day for two days now. Dropped 1.5 pounds. Of bloat. As a rule I don't follow "fads" so this is not typical of my behavior. And I am amazed that I can drink so much of this, so easily. The many, many trips to the restroom-- well, it keeps me busy at work. (smile)
Four...Dieting isn't for sissies. It's difficult and unendingly disappointing. Sure there are high spots but they are few and far between. Hard fought for as well. I have finally after 8 weeks made it to a 12 pound loss (the last 2 pounds due completely to the detox water). This is good. But for the sacrifices I am making (not being able to eat any delicious food), it doesn't seem like "enough". I would be a terrible member of AA.
Five...The September Full Moon brought temps of 57 to Maine and freezing temps to part of north western Maine. The garden season is coming to a "full stop" I think. I have a counter full of peppers turning red. The tomatoes I picked aren't ripening as I had hoped. I have lots of carrots to pull.
I am not ready for cooler weather yet. I am not ready to pull on a wool sweater and to never be without heavy socks. I am just "not ready".
Six... My birthday is in ten days. I was chatting with two doctors (customers) buying aloe plants. They said 1 teaspoon of aloe sap (the goo) a day fights any bad cells in your body (cancer) and helps you live longer, healthier. I mentioned my birthday and my hope of reaching 100 years. We did the math and I have 32 more years if I live to be 100. One of the doctors said I looked very good for my present age--and to "keep up the good work". The only thing I could think he noticed was my sparkly eyes and interest in his aloe info. He slips the daily teaspoon of aloe into a smoothie as the stuff is very bitter and terrible tasting. He lost me at "smoothie".
Seven....I am roasting red peppers today, grilling the bag of thin oriental eggplant (before they rot) and making yet another batch of zucchini fritters. Still trying to get it to taste like it did the very first time. I have enough zucchini in the fridge for two batches of fritters. Then I will have to move on to another vegetable. A winter fritter.
Eight... I wore "real shoes" to work yesterday. Mainly because I could tie them yesterday (let's be honest here). My feet and ankles (and frequently my knee) have been swollen since May. And now, finally, my feet are less puffy. The shoes less tight. The ankles are still cankles. The shoes are sort of a cross between walking shoes and shoes. I think you could walk in them but not hiking or power walking. They are too lightweight. Supportive but I can feel the stones in the walkways at work. Street walking shoes. (now I have made myself laugh).
Nine....G is wanting to "go out to eat" today. I am trying to think of where we could go with something "good to eat" for me. Going to a restaurant and getting a salad, isn't good enough. Going to a Mexican restaurant last time and getting a piece of grilled chicken and steamed broccoli--terribly sad. I would rather just not go and skip the disappointment and sadness.
Ten...My last PT appointment is later this afternoon. Not much has changed or improved. I enjoyed the visits and the exercises but my symptoms are exactly as they were before we began. I still have difficulty going up stairs (down is good). My knee still hurts occasionally. I am still having trouble getting up off the couch (knees) and walking after sitting for any period of time. I have to constantly remind myself to stand straight (upright) as it is more comfortable to tip forward. The "old people's way of walking". I may put the peppers in to roast and put on my real walking shoes and go for a walk. 30 minutes or more. Make a habit of it.
Here I go.
Saturday, September 06, 2014
Tomato Jam
At the end of the garden season there are lots of "not so nice" tomatoes being brought into the house. Not nice enough to slice for Caprese Salad or a tomato sandwich. But good enough for tomato soup and tomato jam.
I have been roasting the cherry tomatoes for winter sauces ( a sheet pan to hold washed cherry tomatoes, a few gluts of olive oil and roast at 425 until most of the tomatoes have a black or brown roasted look--- then cool and scoop into freezer bags--any extra liquid should be saved to make rice or soup) and I did one roasted tomato/onion, garlic clove batch which became dinner. But my favorite use for the tomatoes with blemishes, rotten spots and general blah looks is tomato jam.
Tomato Jam
5# of tomato "parts" rough chopped (approximate)
one onion, chopped
½ cup brown sugar
1.5 cups white sugar (use less if feels right to you--it is a jam)
1 teas. salt
1 teas ground cinnamon
¼ teas ground cloves
¼ teas ground cumin (actually use the spices you like in ketchup--add grated ginger if you like it)
½ cup apple cider vinegar (you could also squeeze in a lemon)
Bring to a gentle boil, turn to a simmer and let go on the back burner for about 4 hours.
I pile everything (and don't measure) in my big All Clad 4 quart saucepan. To the top.
When it cooks down to the bottom quarter of the pan--it's done. Usually thick, dark and shiny.
This can be water bath canned for 15 minutes (with canning lids etc) for longer storage.
Trust me on this, the first time you make it you will eat it ALL in a few days.
This is good (excellent) used in any way you used ketchup. With fries, on a burger etc. Or just on a spoon. Grilled cheese?
I brought in more green peppers that have 30% or more red on them to ripen (all red) on the kitchen counter. I packed the red peppers in the freezer into bags and filled the tray again with more red pepper strips. I like them in a morning frittata for breakfast.
I have decided to solve my freezer storage space dilemma by only having fruits and vegetables in the freezer. So, I would be buying meat on an as needed basis instead of storing it in the freezer for a couple years and then tossing it. Best to be honest about what actually happens in the freezer.
I eat all the fruit (other than blueberries) pretty quickly in my yogurt lunches. Peppers go quickly in chili and frittatas. The tomatoes get used up faster than I like for pasta sauces and soup. Frozen rolls of parsley leaves get used up also.
I pretty much eat the zucchini, yellow squash and cucumbers as they are picked. Those zucchini fritters are my new best friend. And the frozen ratatouille is delicious and low calorie with exactly 4 ounces of dry measure pasta. I am doing a very good good of using what I grow. And what is wasted goes into the compost bucket.
I made some salsa this afternoon with my tomatoes, my onion and my jalapeños. The jalapeños had no heat. So that was a disappointment. Anyone know why that would happen. The July ones were hot.
G and I finished off the five seasons of Damages last night (after midnight). Now we have to find something new to watch when regular television is boring. We have also been watching the tennis, which is being rained out as I type. Rain is coming to Maine as well. I have a good book to read by one of my favorite authors Robotham.
Got to turn on some lights. The sky is darkening. And I have to check on the tomato jam and give it a stir. It's very watery today so will need a bit longer on the stove. Stay dry!!!
Thursday, September 04, 2014
Time To Find Recipes Using Cabbage
My cabbages are nice and big. They need to be picked. But where to store them? I got carried away again and planted too many. Three cabbages are enough when I am the only one eating them. I think I only planted three but it looks like six. Good thing they are "keepers" and will still be around after everything else is compost. One cabbage is reserved for my birthday pot roast dinner. Cole slaw. With my home grown carrots. Yum.
Now that all the college and high school kids are gone, we are down to the "nub" with the number of employees working shifts. Like 3 where there were 8. I have been doing Floral calls (along with everything else). I like it. But won't say so as that is the "kiss of death" to any opportunity to stay there. Happiness isn't a concept my employer approves of.
Only one more PT appointment. Nothing is completely better. Nothing is worse. I have a series of good exercises to do which I am actually doing. The foot doctor recommends that I call for an appointment if I "need one" but otherwise it was nice to meet me and goodbye. I guess I am fine now. Still tape-ing my toes. There is some improvement and my knee pain is manageable. We think the toes and the knee are linked. It's all in the way I walk. And one hip is still higher than the other no matter how many stretches I do. So I am "off side".
My diet sucks. I am doing everything right and I am re-gaining weight. Yep. I lost almost 10 pounds and now it is all coming back. But, and here is the mystery of dieting, part, I am wearing a smaller size that I couldn't fit into before. My husband says it's all water. Because it's in the mid to high 80's here in Maine. I might have to start wearing a ring. I always knew if I was retaining water by how snug or loose my ring was.
So, all of August was doctors, diet and water retention.
The fridge is still working. I am reconsidering the items that once were in the fridge. I threw away a bunch of things in the freezer section that had been there so long, I forgot what they were. Un- labeled things went. Things with more frost that food--went. Last year's blueberries went. Upstairs in the fridge I am second guessing bottled things we never use, all the flax and almond meal I used to make things that pretended to be bread, and the vast amounts of chocolate. Why? I think I thought I would be eating 78% dark chocolate as a low carb snack. Not!!!!! Too much caffeine and it tastes bad. I will try and keep it until December and make bark to give as gifts.
Pretty soon we will have to return the loaner fridge to Lowe's. I will miss it very much. I liked having an empty freezer when I had trays of berries to freeze. When I had trays of peppers to freeze. Which reminds me I have a tray of red pepper strips in there right now which I need to pack into a freezer bag.
I am going to fold the load of laundry I tossed into the dryer before work, go out an fill my garden basket with more tomatoes, peppers and see if the zucchini gods have gifted me with "just one more" zucchini. Perhaps a few more cucumbers. There are still October raspberries and the figs to wait for.
It's a small garden but it is bountiful and I try my very best to make use of it all
Monday, September 01, 2014
September Arrives
With an overnight shower. Not the heavy rain we expected. And this morning is sunny and very humid from the rain. I slept until 9am. I have been very tired lately. In body and mind.
The condition of the late summer garden isn't uplifting. It all looks so tired, weedy and finished. I still have tomatoes, peppers and potatoes to harvest but the plants are reclining, have yellowed leaves. And my green beans haven't even gotten started yet due to late planting. The chard looks fresh and young. My carrots are a success for the first time.
I spent Saturday pouring boiling water into a yellow jacket nest in the old, unused compost pile. The safest way to take care of the hive. My raspberry canes were full of jackets. And G got stung. Five times I think on his hands. They seem to side step me. I gave up on the raspberries weeks ago. I am hoping the October crop of berries will be enough to satisfy my hunger for raspberries. I gave up picking blueberries. 11 quarts is too many. Let the birds have the rest.
I used my own onions and carrots to make Italian Carrot Soup. I had no heavy cream so used the thick cream of a can of TJ"s coconut cream (discarding the water). The soup now has a slightly sweet taste I just don't care for in an earthy soup. A disappointment. I am now wondering whether to eat it (with disappointment) or just compost it all. The latest batch of zucchini fritters was (is) a disappointment also. I guess it wasn't a good day for me to be cooking.
Yesterday I cut apart a bunch of ripe tomatoes with bad spots, cracks etc and roasted them in a 300 degree oven for 3 hours with two fresh picked onions, some garlic and rosemary. I served the roasted mess with pasta. It was very good. The alternative was a pot of tomatoes for Tomato Jam. But then I would have to do the water bath. I just didn't have it in me.
I wore a pair of size 16 pants I purchased in June of 2013 yesterday. They stopped fitting at some point before the cold weather arrived. I wore mostly size 20 pants during the winter and into spring.
It was the high point of my day on Sunday. The scale shows no movement in weight loss but the fit of my clothing tells quite another story. So, I will listen to my clothes while the scale tells me I have lost 9.5 pounds (the same thing it has said for 2 weeks) which is still a very good number but not what I had worked for. I am drinking plenty of water today as I am walking with a friend at 1:30.
That's about all I have to write today. I have housekeeping chores to do which will keep me busy. I have a second book to read (which will make three books in a row) and a visit to the garden to pick tomatoes. I have a row of peppers turning bright red on the counter and I need to cut them into strips for the freezer. I like my peppers red. Oh, and jalapeños to pick and share with a friend who likes to make "poppers". G says it is horribly humid outside.
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