Thursday, January 09, 2025

Daily Notes on a very cold cloudy Maine Morning.

 House Generator is being installed today-  We will be without electricity for  FOUR hours.... I had to stop typing to go answer the door.   So a short post.  Generator is on the pad and the Electrical Guy is under the house rolling around in the crawl space.  At least it's warm (warmer) down there.

Very cold here today.....very. Just a dusting of tiny beads of snow on the ground.

I have the heat running a bit warmer and I am leaving around 12 noon to get my haircut.  I was invited for a Lunch Buddy Lunch but I had already changed the appointment once....twice would be unacceptable.

I have stopped watching MSNBC or any news outlet.....before the election and since. I do read the morning newspaper.  That's about all I can take and mostly I read until I get upset and then stop....... I recall being in my teens when Richard Nixon was elected.....and I wondered THEN what was wrong with grown up people voting for him... Tricky Dick. And now we have SOMETHING so much worse.

People so damn afraid of "other" different people that they elect someone so unfit to even own a dog.

Well, that's it for me...I won't type anything else for the remainder of the four years. On this topic. What is done is done we just need to stay alive until it's over,

As to Will Trent.  When I mentioned my thoughts to daughter she got on Social Media (what is that???) and found out that lots of people are wondering how he got SO TALL all of a sudden.  And muscular.  The options were that the studio sent him to the gym to lift weights and perhaps he is wearing some sort of lifts or additions to his legs to make him taller.  And he had to exercise to get his walking to look normal.

Any opinions?????

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