Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Wednesday, November 20th. Dark and damp here in Maine but unseasonably warmer than usual. Oh, now there is Sunshine.

My coloring page from yesterday while watching a recorded episode of High Potential (it's quirky and interesting).  Using my set of 49 Prismacolor pencils... I am wanting the larger set of pencils. I can't JUST watch TV...I have to be doing something else..used to be hand sewing but now it's coloring. You asked and I am happy to give my "Prime Readers" samples of my work.

I watched Leonardo on PBS last night.  He was really something.....amazing.  I have it recorded and will watch many times more- the music was...gosh.  So good. I wish we had had something like this to watch  when I was in college studying art....I would have been more scholarly. Instead we had lazy, half asleep professors boring us to death....if they said anything at all. I did get a 4.0 in watercolor. I already knew how to do that.

Ohio University is known to be a Party School.  I just found that out. Explains so much about my four years there.  I had no clue.  One night, recently, when I could NOT fall asleep I rewrote an English Paper...I had actually read the book-by now, not then. It still makes me laugh. That I wrote it in my head before falling asleep. Better 60 years too late than never.

We are going to Staples today to see what they have in the way of colored pencils and I will venture into another Hannaford grocery store and "finally" buy oatmeal... we keep forgetting.  I do much better thru the day when I have oatmeal......a bit off center without it.  I had shredded wheat this morning....... 

Yesterday at the grocery self serve Hot Bar I was asked for assistance with the way it two women not speaking English as a first language.  I explained how they could put anything in the box- I used my hand s to say "mix" and then pointed to the front of the store to say that is where they pay. One had a very good idea of what I said and told the other in their language...

While we were at home eating my daughter and I wondered why I am always asked for help by foreigners.  We think it's because I look approachable....I once helped a Japanese man...he showed me pictures of the food he wanted on his iPhone and I took him to where that food was shelved.  He bowed and I smiled.

I can admit to feeling very happy that I could help.

Bob and Rowena just came to my door to share words of God's whatever... I said no thank you. They seemed very nice.... I am now imagining my Son coming down stairs if I invited them that would have been something.....not that I have anywhere for them to sit...boxes are piled everywhere. Being sorted... We did Quilting Tubs yesterday....oh, my. Letting Go. Hard Work.  I wonder at night, if I will miss any of it....but daughter and son are good- if I hesitate- they keep whatever it questions.


  1. Thanks for showing us your coloring page - so nicely done! Mine would not be as neat.

  2. Thank you for the art work! Sounds like you had a good day. I always have to be doing something else while watching TV too.
