Friday, November 15, 2024

Friday, November 15th. 56 degrees and sunshine.

 This has the title of Christmas Hotel.

Well, my sunporch has been reorganized, cleaned and scrubbed and is now looking very inviting. The garage is in progress with several of the really large garbage bags full....the poison stuff (Round Up- etc) is waiting till Spring when the Town Collects Hazardous Waste.

I called the Oil company...they were NEVER coming...when I ordered the Propane Tanks for the "still not here" Generator- they cancelled my Oil Account (never told me) my Boiler that heats water and the house wasn't going to have any oil.....We had a chat that wasn't going anywhere and I actually started crying....I'm really stressed out....and hung up....I might have said something else....which I regret.

She called back and said the "opinions expressed" were NOT her own but were "the way the company was run"NOW-   I waited.....she then said my account was back to Automatic Delivery and Oil would be delivered on Monday... Prior to me being rude.....I wasn't getting anything.  I said Thank You Very Sincerely.  And resumed crying.

Then we went to the Grocery Store.  I wanted crackers but didn't get any.  Because I have crackers. I was reminded that I had crackers. I did buy a small container at the Hot Bar...Fried Food. I will reheat in the Toaster Oven later and enjoy the Deep Fried Goodness of Fried Food.  I might make a small serving of slaw to go with it-- with one of my Soup Cabbages (getting OLD in the Crisper Drawer).

I have been asked to actually "get out of bed" when I wake up instead of laying around awake for a few hours.  I'll give it a try.  I think.....I'm sure....I am depressed.  Total lack of interest in almost everything except the book a day and I am real close to being done with that as well.  Getting really really picky about what I finish reading.  I start them all....but finishing isn't 100% a sure thing anymore. 

When we lived in Germany I actually didn't get out of bed until it was almost time for the kids to get home from school.  Super Depressed......then American Women's Club People started arriving one at a time and honking their car horns till I appeared...and then took me places. Volunteered me for stuff. I stopped sleeping.  I had so many jobs..

Bones and that other show I was watching Missing Without a Trace....I'm done with them. I lack interest in Law and Order....I was a real standard show for me and the Dog.  That leaves Hallmark and I gotta say...I lack interest. Totally.  I often turn to the Weather Channel.....And of course the Sports Talk Show.  Which my daughter got to see and listen to while she ate lunch yesterday.  I told her it "takes up space" in my day.  Sad but true.

So, I cried on the phone and now I'll get oil for the Winter....geeez..what a Life.

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