Sunday, October 06, 2024

October Days- No sunshine as yet and 52 degrees and cloudy here in Maine.

 The tree across the street has colored and is dropping leaves... my trees are still green and dropping acorns.  No idea as yet if it is a mast year- the amount to acorns foretells the winter here in Maine. The guy with my leaf and acorn blower has not come by and taken care of things....I think he is having a bad year or he is waiting for the majority of stuff to land on the lawn before coming by.  Most likely waiting.

I am about to switch from Bran Flakes to hot oatmeal for breakfast....  depending on the temperature outdoors.  I also might go further and have Cream of actual favorite cold weather cereal topped with butter, sugar and cinnamon like my grandmother fixed it for me as a single digit small child.

The things we hold dear in our hearts....

I have a new book to read.  I have a lap sized down comforter to keep me warm as I read.  I have on smart wool socks.....and a very nice cashmere men's sweater (Goodwill).   Football later in the day- I lose track of the when of the games.  I (for sure) will ignore the Patriots game.  They have lost most of the offensive line to injury. Any quarterback they find to play- will get slaughtered.  And yes, I have been watching the Sports Show..... it is very very bad.  Hockey seems like a possibility but they are having Goalie contract issues.  Boston Teams are not in a happy place this year.

The light here in Maine is not conducive to taking pictures of mended sweaters but I promise to get that done. Once the Sun returns...I love my mended has, possibly, more mending than original sweater at this point.

I watched four two hour episodes of Van derValt  (spelling might be off) on Masterpiece yesterday. My Tivo is going to be upgraded soon and I will lose what I have recorded... so I am watching them one more time...and also the new season which has just begun.  I visited Amsterdam once, I believe....with my husband when he was working there...early in his European travel career.  I recall standing on the beach looking at the vast ocean as the waves hit the shore and the clouds swirled overhead..  It was my very first European trip...

My daughter should be coming over to do laundry.  We are having pizza for sure...I can count on that.

So...Bran Flakes, Shredded Wheat OR Oatmeal......big decisions.

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