Monday, September 23, 2024

Still September. Not even a small breeze this chilly Maine Morning. 52 degrees 97% humidity.

 Leaves will begin turning soon. Everything is still 100% green this morning. And cold.

Football.  I didn't stay to see the final scores- No Monday paper so... no news is good news?

I have on a thermal long sleeved shirt and a sweater- corduroy socks (SmartWool) are on the desk- ready for me to try and bend over without face planting on the wood floor.  Sock wearing- who knew it could be so dangerous.  I haven't actually face planted...I just think about it.

Temp in the house is 65.  At least that is what the little monitors are reading.  I closed the bedroom windows.  Even with the heavy down comforter- I was cold last I put on bed socks.  You know it's cold when I put on socks to go to bed. I am closing windows.  Also we still have AC units in.

I have to select a book for today. I am considering Little Beach Street Bakery's not definite. I might read the plane crash book again.  I like the characters and sort of miss them....I don't know.

A few of my choices might be returned unread.  It happens when I decide to re-read books.

Today is cold enough to make soup.  Only I didn't buy soup supplies.  I do have canned soup.  And I do have cans of Wendy's Chili.  So...I have a stockpile of food I could heat up.  

I do have onions. Soup always begins with an onion.... I have no celery or carrots. Those are usually in any soup recipe.

We had Sunday pizza and daughter/sister was here doing her we fed her.  It was a disconnected "family meal" with each of us eating somewhere alone. An Odd Family Unit. We have  leftover pizza for the week's lunches.  I might have to COOK.  I don't think I remember how to do it. And I don't have much to work with a mostly empty fridge.

The Appliance Store just called.....$200 up front just to drive over here and walk in the door...not even looking at or touching the fridge....And then more charges.....I stopped listening...I know...bad Joanne. I said I would think about it...and call her back...we did get an emailed image from our appliance booklet (I don't recall owning an appliance booklet) showing us where the shut off button was located to turn off the ice maker. And the water.  I am tempted to say more but....that is usually bad luck...... newspaper....Monday. Little monitors say it's 66 degrees in the house  (doesn't feel like that)...I'm thinking oatmeal for breakfast....Hot Tea or Coffee.  Definitely happy I chose to pull on my sweater when I got dressed this morning.  Sun is shining. I might be the only one feeling cold. I haven't heard the furnace go one....that isn't a good thing.


  1. I have two friends who recently mentioned a book they are reading about a plane trip and something about predicting deaths of the people on the plane. Morbid? But apparently it's good. I think it's Here One Moment by Liane Moriarty. Have you read any of her books? She's very popular and has written a bunch! (Maybe you can go from road trip books to plane crash books?)

  2. It is very cool here in Michigan today (will be all week) and I am soo happy. Fall. You are closing windows and I am opening them. LOL
