Wednesday, September 04, 2024

September Notes- Wednesday, the 4th. Sun, 58 degrees with 95% humidity.

 Good morning.  Very chilly here in Maine this morning... I woke up somewhere around 3:30am and couldn't fall back to sleep.  No idea what that's about.  I am tired now.

Finished my book last night.  Thought about the characters before falling asleep.  Thought about what it would have been like to have had their story be mine.  Or something similar.  I did experience many long East Coast road trips in my Lifetime.  Maine to South Florida but not the Keys.  I was in the Keys only once but it was quite memorable.  The night sky- and all those stars.

I made a mistake in my Landscape Project.  I forgot about the Birds.  And I had too many large leafy things removed and the birds like those things- spaces to hide from predators and places to get out of the weather. I am sad that all - or most- of that is now gone. Along with the birds.  Sigh.  But it might also be the cold....  it feels colder than 58.

I wish I had the balance and stamina to do some digging and planting...I do not.  I am very often on the verge of falling down.  

So...I could call Cosmic and have a few yards of "most excellent" compost delivered.  I'll think about it. I'll also consider long pants, socks, thermal shirt and a sweater.  Right now I have none of that on.

The weather in Maine has gone over to the cold side.  But the Sun is shining.

I haven't selected today's book.....I am thinking something from the bookcase.....something I adore.

Mrs Nash's Ashes- A road trip love story- has put in in a pensive mood. I read it most of the day yesterday. I plan on trying to find it at the bookstore on my birthday visit or order it in Town.

Yesterday's hot dogs were almost perfect... one more time in the toaster oven...Twice wasn't enough. 

Dee had her tiny houses on her post yesterday...making me want to make a tiny square with a few tiny houses with pointy roof lines.... I have scraps's doable. I'd link but have forgotten how.


  1. The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise is a pretty good road trip book.

  2. Cosmic Stone has been closed for two years now… no more yummy compost from them. We get it from Quonset in Wiscasset now.
    — Sam

  3. What’s Dee’s blog named. Would love to see tiny houses.
