Friday, September 20, 2024

September Notes-Friday, 20th. Cloudy with a good chance for rain.

 The Deer came last night and ate the Abundant Sweet Potato Vine in the largest of my containers out front....they also ate, the driveway side, of the second largest container...they didn't touch the Marigolds.

They also ate the tops off the newly purchased and planted Blue Billow Hydrangea. Well, they ate the leaves and left the bare stems.  My Gardener is working on the bed to the left as I look out the front door. Deer ate ALL the leaves on about a half dozen very very large Hosta.  They came in alongside the house. Usually they tried to knock down the fencing I use. I asked her to pull them out and get rid of them.

Read another Linda Howard.  Going to read it again.  Selected two more. They seem rather old fashioned with the clothing, lipstick etc. But a good solid story.

I lost my umbrella in the Library but someone at the desk had noticed it on the reserve bookcase...And there it was.  I had set it on the shelf while packing the huge number of books I was getting into ny book bag.  And then I guess I walked away.  I managed to remember to get myself a cup of free Library Coffee.

A good time was had by all.

I slept well.  Need to turn on the house lights....make myself some lunch as it's past 2 pm.  I need to eat at regular times to get myself back to NORMAL.  What exactly is normal??????

The guys came and cut the grass.  It has a yellow tinge to it-the grass.  Has been fertilized but hasn't gotten any rain. The Boston Hockey Team is dragging it's feet signing the Goalie.  Swayman.  Gosh--I don't know much about Hockey but I think you need to have a well paid Goalie or just give it up

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. I'm so sorry to deer snacked on the new plants. Living with wildlife is tricky.
