Saturday, September 07, 2024

Fall News- Saturday, September 7th. Sunshine. 65 degree- 89% humidity

Things are not working today.  No images and I can't get the margin over to the left side. I also noticed no one read yesterday's post so perhaps it never when out to you all.  Just sitting here doing nothing.  I sort of expected this to happen at some point.  The computer gives up every so often.

And now we have the left side margin.  Welcome Back.

I am also getting emergency hysterical updates saying my keyboard, mouse etc all need new batteries. They are working just fine and I battery tested the batteries and they got high what I am sensing here is a "computer dumpster fire situation".  

Perhaps yesterday's post never got to you and perhaps this one won't either.  Usually, though, if I don't post I get emails asking if I am okay.  That didn't happen- but then I might not be getting emails either.

I finished yesterday's book (took two days to read it) and today I have a road trip book that Deborah recommended.  My library had a copy.  Looking forward to reading it. The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise.

I'll just keep going until.....well, one of you will get in touch to say the internet is broken. On my side.

I asked my sister in law to investigate a book I had read years- decades ago- see if she could find it'a title. I just have this feeling I wan to read it again.  

I also picked up a few other road trip books to add to the week's reading.

I am going to get my COVID vaccine today- later in the afternoon.  More and more people at the grocery wearing masks.   We'll see if the posts-- it might not.  This might be the end.



  1. I read yesterday's post, yesterday. No problem

  2. Yesterday's post published fine. But it was late getting through.
    You could try "Lady Luck's Map of Las Vegas" by Barbara Samuel. It's partly a road trip novel.

  3. Keep the road trip titles coming!!!!! Joanne

  4. I read yesterday’s post just fine

  5. Hi, I read all your posts but I mostly read them on 'Feedly' rather than going to your blogger site. As I follow several blogs, it's just easier to read them from one place rather than going to several sites. Keep it up, you still have followers including me! :)

  6. I'm glad you are getting your Covid vaccine, I'm hoping to get mine soon. We older folks need to take care of ourselves. I'm imagining blue hydrangeas in front of your house (which I'm also imagining). And they look glorious.

  7. I hope you like Tanner and Louise. I just started reading The Switch which seems to be similar to Tanner and Louis -- at least similar in that the two main characters are a woman in her 80s and a woman in her 20s.

  8. Hmmm when you say 'maybe you didn't get my post' I don't know what you mean. I literally log into your blog to read entries - do they come via email to others??
