Monday, August 12, 2024

Summer Notes- Monday, August 12th 71 degrees with 60% humidity.... Fantastic

 Good Morning.  Cooler here in Maine.... Sea Breezes.  I would love a stack of pancakes but not the mess that it would take to make them. paperless here in Maine.  I have a  stack of sudoko puzzles- started and not finished...... Bran Flakes and a large cup of decaf tea.....Breakfast.  Vitamins.

Son and I discussed the house.  What we could/should do to it and what would be a waste of time and money.  Mostly agreeing....mostly.  I discussed the landscaping which has had two Summers of no attention (husband was the weeder)........he said he was NOT doing landscaping....didn't think I should either.  So....weeds.

I might find a short sharp edged shovel and dig -- or attempt to dig.  Root bound soil is a bitch to dig into. And I am almost Seventy Eight....very Senior Citizen.

I brought up the cracked surface on the driveway-- son said NO WAY.....

I have one more FBI book......I might visit the used bookstore next to the grocery parking lot....see if they have any Garland on the shelves...even though they have said they consider books I like- TRASH. Yes, The Book Police run the Library Book Shop.  How's that for unbelievable behavior????? Censorship.

Next we know they will BURN Offensive Books on the Town Mall.   Prune faced women.

Pizza was delicious as always yesterday.....even minus Formula One Racing....but soon we will have Football.  Olympics is done....we had more medals that China but it was close..... Son is wanting Peach Cobbler....I have been putting it off...  But.....I would need a day to thaw the frozen Peaches....

I'm I will fix my breakfast and get on with the day....have a good one wherever you are????


  1. Make those pancakes that you would love. Mix the batter in a two cup measuring cup, I know you have one. It feels less daunting that way. You will have little mess - and pancakes.

  2. Can you solicit someone from the Garden Center you used to work at to do the weeding?? I still do my own weeding and garden upkeep but I'd love to have a gardener who would take care of all of that...... sigh

  3. P.S. I'd also like to have a Cook who would whip up meals for me.... no such luck LOL!
