Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Summer Notes for Tuesday, August 6th- 66 degrees and 88% humidity. ICK!!!


The Big Book of Bread was in my inbox this morning.... I used to bake.  Used to.  I baked bread and all sorts of things- mixed up my own pizza dough as well.  I would have purchased this book- but not now...

Now...well Time Rolls On... and I don't do much at all anymore... I must have "retired" all my former interests and now...I am mostly just thrilled to successfully make it thru the day.  No accidents, No incidents, No mistakes (that I know of)..........that I know of.   Son might be keeping a tally.

My plans for today are to do a load of wash- remember it's in the drier and take it out and fold everything.  Remembering it in the dryer is the big thing here......My Son remembers all of this as he sets the timer on his phone....I could set a timer- one of the kitchen ones but then I would wonder why it has gone off.  I would recall after a few minutes. Maybe. Not sure about remembering the dryer.

I met my NEW across the street neighbor- the husband.  His wife was in the next development over visiting their daughter.....so they moved to be closer to the grandkids.... Sweet.  He was wondering about the massively heavy handicap ramp my neighbor had built into the garage so she could roll her wheeled chair down from the house to the garage...she had had knee surgery but never had the tissue in her knees "'cracked" so never enjoyed the end result of knee surgery.  Pain free walking. .

He also asked if there was a garage door opener for the second garage door.  I said I did not think so.  They had been looking for it.  My neighbor only used the one door...  I was going to suggest my Son for info on getting a new opener but....my Son would have been very very unhappy if I did that. So I left it to him to figure out. He looked capable.  

He did express his confusion as to the heaviness of the materials making up the very very large double ramp....I said there used to be a workbench- which my husband purchased and it was ALSO very very heavy when moved from Peggy's garage to ours.....  Still is.  It's rather useless now.  But I think we store the AC units on it during the cold months.  

Well, I am late having breakfast...one of those slow sad weepy days.  Not often anymore but...perhaps the talk about the ramp and the work bench.....reminders...gettin old is really hard work.

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