Sunday, July 14, 2024

Summer Notes- Sunday, July 14th- sunshine and 72 degrees @ 8:36 and 91% humidity.

 Today- Self Portrait with a Felt Hat.  The straight brush strokes....

I forgot to cover my ornamentals.  They overnighted just fine.

Not much to say today... nothing interesting happened.  Bones celebrated Christmas in repeats... the soccer was played in a more than half empty stadium in Charlotte.NC... next game is in the stadium Hitler built in Munich.  I don't remember who won. Canada or ?

And someone tried to shoot a Presidential Nominee.  (my opinion will not be shared here)

And my neighbor down the street walked his dog over and sat on the porch rockers with me (something he did when my husband was still here). Told me what's happening in his life.  They might not move.....he's found the twin boys a nice school situation. I mentioned I'd like them to stay.  He mentioned the new job could be done remotely.  He mentioned the house they might have bought in Houston (for another job offer) was flooded in the recent storms.  Destroyed...he was just stunned by what could have happened. If he had moved there. And in such a short amount of Time.

We had a trespasser on the property- even parked in the pull out off the driveway. Never came to the door- just walked around the house ..... Someone my daughter knows.  I am not amused. She thought he was just checking on the fruit's still trespassing.  Next time (if there is one)- we'll call the police.

Pizza today and open wheel racing????? not sure.  Tomorrow the Honda gets work done.

I sorted scraps of cloth and cut then into half square pieces....might do some hand sewing and if that gets tedious- use the sewing machine. and when that gets tedious- stop.. I have a book I am reading ...Interesting Facts About Space.   Very different.  Very.  But I can't seem to stop reading it... I keep putting it down and then going back to it.  It might be more that I like the interesting facts about Space and less that I am interested in the character narrating...someone who might be unhinged.

The Weekend of Strange People.

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