Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Summer Notes- Tuesday, June 25th. Warming Up Again.

 I cleaned out the picture file.    Tomatoes.

I haven't even had breakfast or coffee yet.  My hair is a wild mess.  I changed clothes twice already. Will possibly change again.  I feel a headache coming.  I don't actually enjoy really hot summer weather.  Too much Sunshine.  It's difficult to breathe in such humidity.  Why I had to finally stop working a the Greenhouse.  Humidity.  Makes me lightheaded.

We made Sunday pizza on Monday.  Another wonderful pizza.

This post is going to be very short- nothing much happening here...I do have a book I am reading. Star Crossed but I have gotten to the same page- literally- where I stopped reading this same book a few years ago.....I can't decide whether to keep going or stop again.  It's slow going and more characters are being added etc etc.....another edit before publishing might have helped. 

There are quite a few books I enjoy starting-- and the LACK of a deliberate and brutal edit-- has me closing the book at some point and just not finishing. It's surprising the number of books that make it to the Library shelves....in this condition.  Books that get published.

Well, that's my rant.  I need food...there's a newspaper to read and possibly a bill to be paid.

And a different shirt to be changed into....a third shirt.

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