Monday, June 03, 2024

Spring Notes- Monday (no newspaper) June 3rd. Sunshine. at 8am- why am I awake????

 Postcard from Provence

I went to bed late- finishing up Jennifer Crusie's Fast Women.  I need to buy a copy of this book. Published in 2001.  It's very "old School" with a detective agency and women wearing suits to work. It was a delight to read it again.

Son carried the pieces of an over 100 year old cupboard that used to hold clothing years ago for other people... (down from the attic) now holds my book collection---- not all of it but the smaller bookcase was getting too full.  A few authors...daughter bought me...I no longer read.  But I moved those unread books to the new space.  The smaller bookcase holds all the things I read NOW.  I know that puzzles my daughter but I outgrow things eventually.  I move on to new authors and different books.  I change.....that the thing about me...I change.  What's old isn't new again.

I have piles of clothing in my closet, in front of the closet and on the bedroom chair.  I am wearing things I haven't worn in decades.......they fit.   I am wearing new (well, new to this edition of ME) underwear also. I just dig around in the underwear drawer and try things on and if they fit.... I wear them.  Things from 10 years ago or more.  When I was in much better shape. Still working. Not retired.

We (son and I) used the brand new oven to make Sunday pizza yesterday...could have stayed in the oven a bit longer's a learning curve with convection- we might skip the fan next time.  We haven't cooked anything on top yet.  But my large soup kettle has the wrong "bottom" so it won't convect..... I might just go CRAZY and use a crock pot to make soup.  We have two of those.  Not that I am eating much of really get OUT of the habit of eating and cooking when you have no working stove for a couple of MONTHS..

Which is probably why I am wearing clothing I haven't worn in 10 years. The blue linen pants are too large (pant legs rolled up) and the white linen shirt is also too large.  Last year at this time they would have been too tight.

Well, I need to make myself either oatmeal or bran flakes for breakfast and a cup of instant coffee.  I hadn't chosen my new form of coffee on the last shopping trip.....Next week. No newspaper as it's  Monday.  I need to get back to the Daily Coloring Book Page as well.  Skipped a few days while reading.

I found a new station in the really high digit numbers that is "free" right now and set a few things to record.   Two movies and some other stuff....easy enough to delete if I don't like the content, often too juvenile.  But in that range the visuals are pretty darn great.  I don't really like most of the cable package we's sports heavy.  Husband must have chosen it....and he didn't actually watch sports.  I need to choose a new package.

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