Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Spring Notes-- Sunshine and possibly in the 60's- but might rain.

 Asparagus, white rice and an egg.  No asparagus...but the egg and rice very doable.  I believe there are cashews involved also....which sounds amazing.

I found the bobbie pins...so my wild white hair is now contained by 6 to 8 pins into a low on the back of my head "twist". Tendrils around my face are creeping out.  It is truly wild.  I still have my naturally curly hair at 77.  I am being patient- as it gets longer it gets heavier and will be easier to control.

I am reading the Lonely Hearts Bookclub (Lucy Gilmore).  An assortment of unhappy people. Using a book to provide the only means of connection ......I will be honest here- I was ready to give up on this book- from the first few pages.....then there was the guy in the elevator..  and something about that.....I stayed. It was the right thing to do.

Almost all the stumps have been ground down to just a pile of sawdust.  One more, I think.  In a Touch of Serendipity- The guy who bought my husband's old truck years ago---was the one grinding the stumps.  And he is still driving the old truck.  It was out from behind a bushy forsythia...I walked down and took a few pictures for  my kids.  Memory Lane.  I have to wonder if .......well, it's only to do that.

Son hauled out the cross the street neighbor's recycling and garbage....and ours.  The truck came and went and Garbage Day was another success.....Son has gone out shopping for a new mailbox and news screws.  In all the jelly jars filled with nuts, bolts and screws- in husband's workshop- none were the right size......ain't that something??????

I was looking for something and found a handful of clippings from magazines......Some about cloth dyeing and some just pretty images for my desk top calendar.... I have a set of three black bar stools under my left hand.....bottom corner of the calendar.  Makes me happy.  No where to put them in this house...but I still like the idea.  Son is home.

I did NOT do the daily coloring yesterday.  I did not watch any recorded programs...I read.  I stared at the wall.  I looked out the windows and watched the guys working.  Son found two boxes of the kitchen dining room flooring....so when we see what is or is not under the stove- we can insert flooring. After massive and hurried cleaning.  I doubt the flooring is still "sticky".  But under the stove we can screw it down.  No one will see it.

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