Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Winter Spring Notes- Wednesday, April 3rd. Noreaster coming in with Wind, Snow ETC.

 Postcard from Provence.

Theres's no Sun today. 39 degrees. (50 yesterday)   Wind hasn't started as yet along with promised (????) snow and whatever.  It's April........ I watched the weather channel and Kentucky and that area- was no picnic for them yesterday........  and now we get to enjoy it.   Very still outside.  

I am so very very tired of it all.  And I am chilled to the bone today....fatigue?  I don't know. I just realized I hadn't turned the furnace up to day time temps.  No wonder I was so cold.

I should make some soup for today......something I can reheat if we have to drag the generator back out onto the driveway. But...I am tired of soup.  I am tired of this damned weather.  It was warmer last October than it is today.

Reading a book I enjoyed very much the first time I read it... Charm City Rocks.  I fell into it like finding a soft cozy sweater in the closet.  It's on my list of books to buy.  Some people stock up on food, alcohol and movies etc-- I stock up on books.  And make sure the book light to clip onto a book is charged up.

I ate a lot of stuff yesterday......sandwich, pistachios, ice cream, potato chips.  Anxiety Eating. I think perhaps I am over happens every so often....hard to control.  I think the weather coming was the cause of it....I know son is very very upset by the fragile power infrastructure in Maine.  The old trees cracking and falling on the power lines.  All these trees should have been cut and chipped 20 years ago.  The lines should have gone underground.  But 20 years ago the water table was pretty close to the surface it isn't.  Maine is beautiful in August.   The rest of the year it sucks.  It is sucking pretty much right now...even for me..after 30 plus years.

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