Sunday, April 28, 2024

Still Spring Notes- Chill in the Air and Heavy Clouds. 51 degrees.

 Soup.  Minus the stove.  Need to put on the Thinking CAP.   Did "bake" a sweet potato in the microwave yesterday.  Very successfully done.  Excellent.  I have two more.  A fully loaded sweet potato is one of my favorite "meals".  I have also had soft white bread,  juicy tomato, salt and mayo sandwich.  Which was also very very delicious. Also any dry pasta can go in the microwave with less water- but same timing plus an extra minute or two.  I plan and giving that a trial as well.  I found a site called Dorm Cooking.  Entertaining.  I may return and dig deeper.

The Down Pillows in the washing machine ALSO worked out well.  Still have stains on them from husband's oily skin but they are no longer oily to the touch and they smell nice.  So back on the bed. But first I need to find the pillow protectors and wash them.  Possibly with bleach. Bleach was a no no with the Down Pillows.  We don't bleach feathers.

I am starting to go to bed later and waking up earlier.  Getting used to being awake and dressed by 8 am. Certainly not my usual.  Ten hours of sleep a night- approximately.  Was twelve hours.  I must be getting better????  I feel better.  Less "nervy" if that is understandable???  I was using a lot of energy just being "aware" and now I can ignore things....again.

The final book in the Devereaux Series was as wonderful as usual. Today I am reading Jane.  In this adaption Jane's Rochester is a Rock Star.  A YA book by April Lindner.  My Library Friend recommended it highly.  She and I like the same things. We never are disappointed.  DebL also recommended two books and I am going to try and find them after I hit send here.

I still cannot find the pieces of an appliqué quilt-- the blocks and strips were hand appliquéd.  Years of work.  Now sign of any of it in all the boxes I have emptied. A Great Disappointment.

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